Canada to Release Equipment for Russia–Germany Gas Pipeline – IOTW Report

Canada to Release Equipment for Russia–Germany Gas Pipeline


BERLIN—The Canadian government says it will allow the delivery to Germany of equipment from a key Russia–Europe natural gas pipeline that has undergone maintenance—equipment the absence of which Russia’s Gazprom cited last month as a reason for more than halving the flow of gas.

The return of turbines from the Nord Stream 1 pipeline sent to Montreal for a scheduled overhaul has been complicated by sanctions imposed on Russia over the war in Ukraine. Canada’s minister of natural resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, said in a statement late Saturday that “Canada will grant a time-limited and revocable permit for Siemens Canada to allow the return of repaired Nord Stream 1 turbines to Germany.”

That, Wilkinson said in the statement posted on Twitter, will support “Europe’s ability to access reliable and affordable energy as they continue to transition away from Russian oil and gas.” He said that “absent a necessary supply of natural gas, the German economy will suffer very significant hardship.” more

5 Comments on Canada to Release Equipment for Russia–Germany Gas Pipeline

  1. There is an Antonov 124 that has been Grounded at Toronto Pearson Airport after delivering COOF test strips Feb 27/22. 1 Day latter Canada closed its airspace to Russian planes & would not let it leave.

    Beautiful plane!

    The news is bragging that the jet is getting billed 1065.00 per day parking.

    Bullshit! By the time Russia is finished suing Canada for “Failure to Maintain” the jet in their possession Canada will owe them a few hundred grand.

  2. Germany has realized they will die a grisly death of their own decisions as winter comes, so they begged Justine to ignore stoopit ideas that originate from the Potatohead Admin across the border.

    CDN dollar has turned to shit v USD, as has the EUR. Watch for the girly screaming as the USD turns to sawdust and drives all three currencies plummeting to joke territory.

  3. “…Europe’s ability to access reliable and affordable Russian energy as they continue to transition away from Russian oil and gas.”

    Fixed it for you, you mealy-mouth NATO sanctioneer. Pathetic.

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