Scopolamine – World’s Most Dangerous Drug – IOTW Report

Scopolamine – World’s Most Dangerous Drug

The NIH suggests it to be prescribed as an anti-depression drug and it’s also used for memory function.
When used as a trans-dermal patch for sea-sickness and nausea, it can cause strokes, vomiting, confusion, delusions, paranoia and psychosis. Withdrawal is brutal.

h/t The Tore Says Show

Next time a stranger hands you a sticker, don’t put it on your skin. You never know what’s on that adhesive. 😳

15 Comments on Scopolamine – World’s Most Dangerous Drug

  1. I’m out. I USED to know what drugs were. LSD, weed, speed….that’s all old timey stuff. This new stuff…..I’m clueless.

    No way would I try ANYTHING nowadays. Too scared it would have fentynal or this crap in it.

  2. It’s not going to be the world’s most dangerous drug until the ChiComs start making it in factories and shipping it to the US through Mexico and Canada. Until then fentanyl, meth, heroin, and crack will hold the top spots.

  3. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – if you throw in the FDA, I’ll buy your hypothesis.

    (Of course, if you include the FDA, all the pharma companies are included, as is the Uniparty…)

  4. “Go Ask Alice”
    I think she’ll know 🤔
    With any of the current drug concoctions, you may as well play Russian Roulette. 🤪

    Consuming a joint, maybe a snort or two, magic mushrooms they were child’s play compared to this new stuff. 😳

    Praying 🙏 that parents around our nation are having some serious talks with their children on the danger of drugs.

  5. It all started with drugging young boys with Ritalin back in the 60’s for ADHD because they were normal boys acting in typical boy fashion and the school authorities couldn’t handle having normal red blooded American boys who refused to conform to the dictates of making everyone the same. I am one of those boys who grew up to be normal, no thanks to the school shrinks who thought I was abnormal because I wouldn’t put up with their bs and still don’t all these years later.

  6. Seems I recall Scopolamine in reference to either WWII or the Cold War interrogations of spooks.

    Course, my memory could just be shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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