Fearing Russian gas shut-off, France’s industry turns to oil – IOTW Report

Fearing Russian gas shut-off, France’s industry turns to oil

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France (Reuters) – France’s energy-intensive companies are speeding up contingency plans and converting their gas boilers to run on oil as they seek to avoid disruption in the event any further reduction in Russian gas supplies leads to power outages.

Gathered over the weekend at a business and economics conference in southern France, several top executives said they were preparing for possible blackouts.

“What we’ve done is we’ve converted our boilers, so they’re capable of running on gas or oil, and we can even switch to coal if we need to,” said Florent Menegaux, the boss of Michelin, one of the world’s leading tyre-makers.

“The aim is to avoid having to shut down a plant in case we face a shortage,” he added, saying that while a gas shortage in Europe was likely, oil would still be available as an alternative.

It takes days to start up tyre production at a manufacturing plant, Menegaux said, making it essential to maintain a steady energy supply. more

8 Comments on Fearing Russian gas shut-off, France’s industry turns to oil

  1. Until recently(~2015) France got about ~80% of their electricity from nuclear. They were running not quite a 100 reactors nut in the last few years, for various reasons like inspections & decommissioning, they are down to the mid 50s.

    Too bad for them now. Put some more sanctions on Russia morons. The ruble is higher v the Euro than it’s ever been and Russia is taking in record revenue because the price of oil is so high.

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And the bitch is, we’re doing the same fucking thing while at the same time Biden is off to SA on his knees for them to pump more. What in the fuckity fuck fuck?

    I know of 2 guys that wouldn’t put up with this crap.

  2. I think Canada, the United States and western Europe have had it so good for so long, that the populations accept the ramblings of the leftist idiots. Even though it will affect me as well, perhaps Western nations have to hit rock bottom before willing to listen to conservative ideas.
    Just my humble opinion.

  3. @Cynic July 12, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    > “Let’s make our whole economy dependent on our biggest enemy” said no sane person anywhere.


    @basketball stars July 13, 2022 at 12:18 am

    > No sane person ever said, “Let’s make our pretty much the entire economy totally reliant on our biggest enemy.”

    “NATO” (wink wink, nudge nudge) thanks you, for your service.

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