Nets Ignore Internal White House Concerns Biden in Mental, Physical Decline – IOTW Report

Nets Ignore Internal White House Concerns Biden in Mental, Physical Decline

MRC: The liberal media used to dismiss concerns about President Biden’s fitness for office as just bad-faith attacks from people on the right. But with a sober article from New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker Saturday night, it turns out that people inside the administration are also concerned and it’s affecting how the President does the job. But despite this admission, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have ignored the paper of record, while the cables (CNN and MSNBC) have each noted it once.

In his article titled “At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency,” Baker begins by noting Biden’s upcoming trip to the Middle East which “was initially tacked onto another journey last month to Europe, which would have made for an arduous 10-day overseas trek until it became clear to Mr. Biden’s team that such extended travel might be unnecessarily taxing for a 79-year-old president, or ‘crazy,’ as one official put it.” more

8 Comments on Nets Ignore Internal White House Concerns Biden in Mental, Physical Decline

  1. The Wisconsin ruling alone invalidates his stolen election, so it does not matter what Democrats think because he has no lawful claim to the presidency in the first place.

  2. No no no. The NYT is not concerned about Biden’s mental decline bc they are happy with the way the country is going. The purpose of this article is to lay the ground work that the presidency requires a nimble mind that isn’t typically found in anyone one in their late 70’s…like Trump. That’s all this is..

  3. zuckerbucks, and chicom money will always get our lame stream to say what is needed. The reporters for every major newsroom, including fox are traitors, and should be handled as such.

  4. They wanted to remove Trump for holding on to a railing on a wet ramp.
    He never fell up the steps to Air Force One(4×), fell off a bike or read instructions off the teleprompter.

  5. But…but..look! He works out every day! With a trainer!!! And he rides his bicycle, a long way! How many 80 year olds do that?!! He’s so physically fit!!! Yes, he has the IQ of a cocker spaniel, and drools on himself, shits his pants, and has advanced dementia, but look how physically fit he is!


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