Starbucks Closing Stores Across The Nation Due To Crime – IOTW Report

Starbucks Closing Stores Across The Nation Due To Crime

SEATTLE — Starbucks announced Monday that it was closing some stores in western Washington and across the nation due to safety concerns. The coffee giant plans to close 16 stores in total, five of which will be in Seattle and one in Everett, at the end of July. The closures are all due to higher rates of crime in the neighborhoods where the stores have been open for years. Starbucks interim CEO Howard Schultz wrote to workers today:
more h/t illustr8r.

29 Comments on Starbucks Closing Stores Across The Nation Due To Crime

  1. This is all because the stupid communists are allowing ghetto trash blacks to get completely out of control as a means to intimidate and harass the white majority into submission. Jim Crow didn’t happen because white people were evil. Jim Crow happened because blacks can get so easily out of control and wreck and entire town or city that it became a necessity.

  2. Go Woke Go Broke!
    Letting non customers (code for homeless) in to use your facilities has it’s price doesn’t it?
    Shut it down baby!!

  3. Tomorrow they will apologize for blaming safety concerns and change their story to say that they’re closing because of transphobia, climate change or the current thing.

  4. I do like their regular coffee and some of the exotic stuff, but the concoctions are ridiculous.
    Coffee is my ‘go to’ drink.
    Godspeed there Starbucks. too bad, so sad.

  5. Oh boo hoo! The twits on Twitter are saying the closures are because these stores are unionized. Right. Add in that AND the high crime incidents it’s all a perfect Libtard Frappuccino of their own making.

    But but Trump! January 6th!! 🤪

  6. Holy Hanna, I make pretty good coffee at home, but if I wanted the Starbux experience…
    I’d scream my own name out wrong –
    Light a $5 dollar bill on fire –
    and scrape the ashes into the coffee!

  7. There are 15,477 Starbucks locations in the United States as of July 04, 2022. The state with the most number of Starbucks locations in the US is California, with 3,019 locations, which is 19% of all Starbucks locations in America.

    16 stores closing out of 15,477 is a joke. Keep us informed when you end up like K-Mart and the like.

  8. @Tony: actually Starbucks allows/permits firearms on their property despite the squawking of those blue haired gender studies staff. This is in contrast to a couple of independent bakeries in Seattle that prohibit weapons AND police.

  9. We have a Starschmucks in downtown Spokane at 2nd and Division just 2 blocks South of I 90, right across the street from a 7-11, just down the street from some low-income apts. and nearby the local Catholic House of charity. So, it is bum and vagrant central and never a dull moment around there with all the riffraff hanging out in that neighborhood. It used to be a great place to get coffee early in the morning since they open at 5 AM and are nearby Sacred Heart hospital and a lot of other medical facilities. My wife and I used to go there to get coffee before she started work at Sac. Heart at 5:30 AM, now I wouldn’t be caught dead there at any hr. of the day. And I’m not a big coffee drinker but my wife loved her coffee at Starschmucks. My brother in Seattle is still pissed at Howard Schulz for selling the Seattle Supersonics to Oklahoma City when he promised he wouldn’t sell the Sonics but did anyway. My brother has his own boycott going over this and will not drink their coffee ever again.

  10. Wait. What? the limp wristed Seattle commie faggots who support all things Satan are against the filthy buttle juice they are responsible for creating? Kinda looks like cannibalism.

  11. So far, none of their closures have affected me and if all the rest of their self-aggrandizing, pompous, better-than-thou establishments fold up and blow away….the same will hold true.

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