New York’s Nuclear Preparedness PSA – IOTW Report

New York’s Nuclear Preparedness PSA

Why are NY and NJ expecting a nuclear strike?
This video is unintentionally hilarious:


33 Comments on New York’s Nuclear Preparedness PSA

  1. Whoa, incompetent.

    If you WERE outside during the blast, you’re either dead, blind (and in shock), or, the blast was far away and no ‘radioactive particles’ have touched you yet because the shockwave hasn’t reached you.

    Gamma and beta radiation don’t require you to “get clean” – only alpha particles and radioactive isotopes need to be washed off.

  2. “” Stay Tuned” … stay tuned to what ??? do you think your precious cell phone will work? What do you think will survive the EMP ?? Are you just going to turn on your TV and listen to Rachel Madcow ??”

    Exactly. Perfect response.

    Pre-trauma attitudes rarely match post-trauma attitudes.

    That’s why we respect our vets. They’ve been there.

  3. And you expect there to be water and electricity?
    Complete morons…
    And she smiles while talking about a horrific situation.
    (I assumed a she, am I a homophobe?)

  4. Drop ‘n roll.
    Duck and cover.
    Crouch against the wall and cover your head. That was the drill in my grade school. And my town had one of those big WWII air raid sirens on a tall tower that they tested every Wednesday at noon. Hearing it (without knowing what time it was) used to send chills up my spine.

    These days, just put me at ground zero.

  5. Didn’t the stupid duck and cover drills that I participated in back in the late 50’s and early 60’s when I was in 1st and 2nd grade teach us anything about the futility of surviving a nuclear attack? Bert the turtle was full of shit and even I knew that when I was 6 and 7 years old. It was paranoia then and still even more paranoia now. There is nothing new under the Sun, same old bullshit, new era that’s still running scared of a nuclear attack. Will it be the Russkies now, the Chicoms, radical pisslamicists or just a plain old left-wing nut who starts a new scare of being nuked. And just for your info you will not survive a nuclear blast by hiding inside a lead lined (who has a lead lined fridge?) refrigerator like Indiana Jones did in the last Indiana Jones movie, no way, no how that will ever happen.

  6. got to be a parody …

    but then again, w/ Pedo Pete’s finger on the button, any sort of ‘mishap’ is possible … the man is a walking disaster

  7. It could be out of fear that the husk will wake up in the middle of the night to go take a leak & instead of flushing the…the, you know, the thing, he pushes the button.

  8. Spreading the fear. Rolling fear mongers.

    Keep huddling indoors so the political thugs can take over without being hampered by deplorables.

    Hide, Big Brother will take care of you.

  9. “Follow Media”
    “Officials will send wireless alerts”

    Yeah, do what the media tells ya – “You got this!”

    How’d that work out in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
    And those were firecrackers compared to those 50 to 200 Megaton fusion bombs.

    But, if it makes the sheep feel safer …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. NYC & NJ are not ‘expecting’ a nuclear blast but they are HOPING for one.

    After they made it such an’ disaster, nothing can ‘fix’ it short of a complete ‘redo’.

    Opportunity to buy Oceanfront property in say, Schenectady.


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