Democrats Look Ill From Too Many ‘Bogoda’ Breakfast Tacos – IOTW Report

Democrats Look Ill From Too Many ‘Bogoda’ Breakfast Tacos

Howie Carr:

The wheels are coming off the Democrats’ wagon, and not just in Washington either.

They’re losing it here in Massachusetts too, even though most of the attention is focused on the unprecedented catastrophe that is the Brandon administration.

On Monday, for instance, Dementia Joe Biden said that the Parkland High shootings occurred, not in 2018, but in 1918. He didn’t even correct himself. On the same day, his wife Dr. Jill compared Hispanics to “breakfast tacos” and mispronounced bodegas as “bogodas.”

And then there’s the vice president, who when asked by an interviewer about why the Democrats did nothing legislatively about abortion rights for a half-century, responded in her usual fashion:

“I do believe that we should have rightly believed but certainly we believed that certain issues are just settled, certain issues are just settled.”

Interviewer: “Clearly were not.”

“No, that’s right and that’s why I do believe that we are living in sadly um real unsettled times.”

Rather … unsettling, isn’t it? Even in Massachusetts, the Brandon regime is underwater in the polls. And despite the Democrats’ electoral dominance here, the local yokels are not handling his decline and fall very well.

Consider the ongoing statewide signature drive to put a referendum question on the November ballot to stop illegal immigrants from getting Massachusetts drivers’ licenses. more

8 Comments on Democrats Look Ill From Too Many ‘Bogoda’ Breakfast Tacos

  1. The rot is too deep.
    If Demonrats are pissed at the usurper Biden’s mal-administration, they’re pissed because the dissolution of America is happening too slowly.
    They are evil. Biden is evil. All who struggle to dismember America are evil. This is NOT a dispute over the more advantageous method or path to improve America, but a decided attempt (successfully, so far) to destroy America.

    Biden and Harris are mannikins – stooges – props – imbeciles to receive the worthless queries and masks of the media and to respond imbecilically.
    No even remotely aware human could take them seriously as anything other than props.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The O’Blowme’s must be taking their usual six weeks off in Hawai’i this month. Oh, that’s right, they live there now. That explains the time delay in putting out new distractions in the media.

  3. I thought it was bodega, not bogeeda. I thought it was breakfast burritos, not breakfast tacos. End of Quote. Repeat the line. I carry hot sauce in my purse so I ain’t noways tarred.

  4. they should switch to ‘Pagoda Breakfast Wieners’ from the ‘Suk Mi Pagoda’ Bodega instead, those will fill you with all needed daily protient

  5. The wheels may very well be coming off right now. But, the democrats will simply steal another car & Massachusetts, California, New York…..will climb in to vote for more of the idiocracy until they drive us ALL off the cliff.


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