Biden says 9.1% inflation rate ‘out of date,’ blames Putin. – IOTW Report

Biden says 9.1% inflation rate ‘out of date,’ blames Putin.

BPR: Inflation hit a 40-year-high, coming in at 9.1 percent on Wednesday, and President Joe Biden immediately reacted by claiming the numbers were “out-of-date,” blaming Russia’s Vladimir Putin while pushing a doomed plan to combat rising prices.

The inflation number was much higher than analysts had expected for June and is the highest since 1981, according to the Consumer Price Index.


19 Comments on Biden says 9.1% inflation rate ‘out of date,’ blames Putin.

  1. The president attempted to palm off the bad news on “Putin’s unconscionable aggression” in Ukraine, intimating that it has disrupted global markets and supply chains.

    How much of what is allowed into the CPI, was The United States importing from Ukraine?

  2. Where are my car keys? Dammit, my car keys are missing again. That damn Putin – always sneaking into my house and hiding my car keys.

  3. @Brad July 14, 2022 at 12:28 pm

    > Fuckny, how would they ship it? UPS has discontinued all service. Not to mention the Ruskies have destroyed a high percentage of their ports.

    That would be why (putative) imports from Ukraine, would be more expensive. Increasing the CPI. If such (putative) imports are allowed into the CPI.

    And those pre-Bad Man imports, allowed into the CPI were…?

  4. If Putin has this much power how did Trump lose?

    If Putin has this much power how has he not taken j7st the Ukraine but not all of Europe?

    If Putin has this much power and to get back to 1.85$ gas and no inflation just gi e him the Ukraine.

  5. 9.1% – They’re playing a numbers game with this stuff. It’s like the car salesman telling you that the 60,000 dollar car will ONLY cost you $820.00 dollars per month to make it seem more palletable… or maybe renting your furniture by the week… oh such a low price!
    The real inflation figure should be benchmarked against when the Delaware Dumbshit took office because THAT’s what triggered it and the fact that it was only a year and a half ago!! Everyone knows that most items are twice as expensive, if not more, since Jackass Joe took over! So given that Inflation is around 100% or greater!
    However the Bought & Paid For, knee-pad Media doesn’t dare put that in print!!

  6. Does it really make a shit bit of difference when gas is now $5.29 here in IL versus $5.59? Such petty points the Biden admin makes. Stupid fuckers, gas is OVER $5 still, it’s OVER $4 still. They ain’t done shit except lay claim to lower prices after saying “we don’t control the price of gas, russian agent, Putin” since it went over $3.50.

  7. ecp – the price of gas is only one spin-off indicator of the real impact of what they are doing. They are strangling the US of its energy sources while making sure to destroy our future ability to be energy independent. As a result it has far ranging impact on everything that uses oil which results in the vastly increased costs of EVERYTHING! Make no mistake about it, their intent is to kill the United States and drive a wooden stake thru our heart so that we can’t recover!


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