New York: Police respond to 5 homicides in 4 hours – IOTW Report

New York: Police respond to 5 homicides in 4 hours


Police in New York City reportedly responded to five homicides over a four-hour stretch into Wednesday morning. 

The fatal incidents unfolded in the Bronx and Brooklyn boroughs and no arrests have been made, according to WABC. 

In the most recent homicide around 1 a.m. Wednesday, a 34-year-old man in the Bronx was pronounced dead after being shot in the torso, the station reported. 

The attackers in that shooting reportedly fled the scene on two dirt bikes.  more here

12 Comments on New York: Police respond to 5 homicides in 4 hours

  1. Only 5 murders in 4 hours?
    Practice, practice, practice.

    At that rate they’ll never clean out that cesspool.
    (NYC was a shithole even back when it was New Amsterdam)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Well, if NYS leadership in Albany knew what they were doing and had the testicles to practice known working solutions from history instead of experimenting with all new super magical gimmicks and tricks that try to appeal to groups that they hope will get them votes and campaign money things might get fixed. Little chance of that happening as the names on voting ballots are the same year after year, funded by big money in the background. We need a “NO VOTE” line on ballots that can help removed failed names from holding office. There’s no truth in “you get what you vote for”, because the ballots only have names of people financed and examined to have the exact same failed mindset of ideas.

  3. Tim – FJB JULY 15, 2022 AT 6:32 AM
    Only 5 murders in 4 hours?
    Practice, practice, practice.

    At that rate they’ll never clean out that cesspool.
    (NYC was a shithole even back when it was New Amsterdam)

    “We haven’t even cut heavily into their birth-rate-growth figure,” Hawat said. “We’ve just weeded out some of their less successful specimens, leaving the strong to grow stronger”

  4. Of course, they’re prioritizing the self-defense cases. Poor criminals shouldn’t have to worry about dying on the job at the hands of uncooperative bodega clerks who won’t sit by passively while being beaten senseless – by the usual suspects – for not giving away free bags of potato chips.


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