Watch: NYC Police Officer Drags Away, Arrests EMT Providing Care To Patient For Allegedly “Dinging” Door – IOTW Report

Watch: NYC Police Officer Drags Away, Arrests EMT Providing Care To Patient For Allegedly “Dinging” Door

Blue State Conservative:
For conservatives, backing the blue comes has come naturally. We inherently believe in good and evil, which trickles down into striving for a just society that centers around law and order. Police aren’t perfect, but their flaws outweigh the indecency inflicted upon the rest of us by the scum of the earth.

For this reason, watching the George Floyd Riots wreak untold havoc and carnage across our nation induced a visceral response of horror and anger. How could the police stand by? How could they kneel with anarchists? Everything we knew to be true about good and evil, law and order was ignored and recklessly discouraged.

Suffice to say, this paradigm has been shifted radically in recent times. The non-response from Uvalde police officers as a madman murdered a classroom of children and teachers is sickening. As more videos come out, we see them causally laughing, scrolling their phones, and milling around. What we don’t see is an attempted rescue.

If what happened in Uvalde is criminal neglect, then what happened in New York City is truly head scratching. In a just-released video, we see one officer manhandle and drag away a emergency medical technician who is trying to deliver a patient from the ambulance to the hospital. Making the entire situation more confusing is the fact that this was predicated over a simple door ding. It’s truly bizarre.

18 Comments on Watch: NYC Police Officer Drags Away, Arrests EMT Providing Care To Patient For Allegedly “Dinging” Door

  1. Most cops are good people, but some aren’t. It’s such a large group there are going to be quite a few bad ones. It all depends on the upper management at the P.D. as to how bad the rot gets before anything is done.

  2. “For conservatives, backing the blue comes has come naturally.”

    That’s as far as I got. Who is this know nothing telling us what we believe? We need to get these soft headed turd burglers out of our midst.

  3. Rochester is not NYC. FAR, FAR from it!

    I’m confused by what exactly happened. BUT then again, I’ve very confused lately. Please forgive me.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  4. My head still hurts from reading that first paragraph, doesn’t anyone proofread their shit anymore?

    If everything in that article is correct and there are no other extenuating circumstances that we are unaware of then yes, that cop will get fired and the aggrieved EMT person will get a nice check from the city.

    As to the first premise, that conservatives naturally back the blue, not anymore. If anything, current police conduct throughout the country has presented an adversarial paradigm here to for unfamiliar to the average citizen. In a nutshell, whatever goodwill they earned in the past has been negated by past conduct of cowardice, ham-fisted tactics, and a general disregard for the rights and well-being of those they are supposed to serve. They can no longer be trusted to act honorably or to have our best interests at heart. It is really too bad, but it is the environment we find ourselves in now.

  5. We will investigate ourselves and determine officer did nothing wrong. thanks for playing , try the veal. Anyone remember cop arresting fire chief at a fire a few years back. Cop was breaking windows putting ff at risk , chief tackled him and got himself arrested.

  6. Sorry, can’t let this one go.

    It isn’t said WHY the cop was in the ambulance bay, if he was there because of some issue concerning the patient or some unrelated mission involving the hospital, but one thing jumps out at me.

    Its an AMBULANCE bay!

    The purpose of this space is for loading and unloading an AMBULANCE. These are big and chunky, don’t have great visibility from inside the box, and the people doing the unloading are a LITTLE more focused on patent care than whether some yobbo pulled up to close to a vehicle that says STAY BACK 100 FEET for a REASON.

    And a COP should KNOW better.

    I’ve had cops follow my squad to the hospital before. Sometimes for a violent mental they red-tagged for me to transport, sometimes because my patient was a victim, other times because my patient was a perpetrator. I’ve had them jump in my unit when I’ve needed help getting restraints on, I’ve had them pick off gang members busting traffic lights behind my ambulance that foiled their plans to kill my patient and anyone who got in the way at the hospital. I’ve had cops come to the hospital to subdue a guy who wanted to continue a fight with his one-legged antagonist at the hospital where they were both being treated. I’ve had cops get ahead of my unit, clearing intersections and blocking roads ahead of me to speed my passage when the shit truly is hitting the fan. As a medic, I worked closely with cops for a decade, and other than some questionable priorities they had, never had much issue with them.

    Certainly never over a CITY vehicle damaging another CITY vehicle.

    I mean, REALLY.

    Where did the cop think the EMT was GOING? Did he think he’d go on the lam once inside the hospital? Was the cop unaware of the VERY unsubtle markings on the ambulance stating where it was based and EXACTLY what Governmental body to bring his complaint to? You know, the SAME ONE that’s on the medic’s shoulder patch? Did he think the ambulance could leave without him noticing, or somehow never return to quarters, the one CLEARLY stated on the side in two foot high letters, to avoid paying for a scratch? Does he not think the man’s name would appear on a squad report now, and an accident report later?


    Guys who drive pickups that sport giant cubes on their backs, painted in lurid Day-Glo colors and festooned with more lights than a late ’70s disco, wearing poorly fitted jumpsuits with highly reflective stripes on them and THE NAME OF THE AGENCY THEY WORK FOR on their shoulders and backs are going to be FANTASTICALLY bad at sneaking away and hiding. Chillax, dude, they ain’t going anywere.

    But fire vehicles are built heavy and strong, with massive bumpers and powerful drive trains, for a REASON. And that reason is to be able to shove shit out of the way that gets between them and saving a life.

    Even if that means dinging your chariot, Officer.

    I never personally had a cop get in my way when involved in patient care, but I have had other folks get funny ideas, and I did not hesitate to do whatever was necessary to get my patient where he needed to be, and if that requires a wee shove or a closed fist, so be it. My rescue holster had a sweet Buck folding knife it it if it came to that. My duty was to my patient, not to looky lous or cops, and there were occasions I had to make it known that I would honor that duty to the best of my ability. And since that was before my body got all old and funhousey, some abilty I had.

    But scene fights were ALWAYS prohibito.

    It was undestood, cops and firefighters, in-house and between us, you NEVER fought openly in public. That just undermined EVERYONE’S authority along with public trust and public confidence. Blow up back at quarters if you will, but on scene, it needed to be a professional united front, so folks don’t pick you apart in the press like we’re doing right now.


    ..but it was a different time, the kids don’t seem to have much emotional control even behind a badge, and professionalism seems to be a dead concept in pretty much everything. Everyone’s a diva now, no matter what name is engraved on their shield. Pride and dignity seem to have been replaced by proving you won’t be “dissed”.

    This scene was absurd to me. Would have been unthinkable back in the day.

    But given what Democrats have done to lower the bar in this county, I guess it shouldn’t surprise me when a sworn officer road rages on a municipal employee on camera.

    It shouldn’t surprise me, no.

    But it does and will always dusgust me.

    Grow up, children.

    Grow the hell up.

  7. I got pulled over once en route to a malfunctioning PCA pump delivering dilaudid to an esophageal cancer patient (with mets around trigeminal nerve).

    I am technically a first responder but have not been granted lights and sirens. Go figure.

    The officer absolutely could not have cared less despite my credentials, my equipment, my offer to get my supervisor on the line and my BEGGING him to please hurry, my patient had roused up and out of his dying process screaming due to the severity of his pain.

    I should have had the wife hold the phone up to the patient so the officer could hear him screaming but I think it wouldn’t have moved the needle on his Give-a-Shitometer

  8. Compare with ethnicities that not only dinged the car, but broke all the windows, jumped up & down on it, & set it on fire.
    There seems to be some disparity here.

  9. What a jerkoff, why are you parking in an ambulance bay. The shit we used to do to each others radio cars in the back lots of the Precincts was like smash up derby, keep the mph just under what sets the air bags off. It was hilarious. It was NYC property, so we did not give a F

  10. In my 68 years I have had maybe 4 or 5 interactions with the Police (not counting having to pass through Capitol Police Security at the House every day for 36 years) and each encounter was polite and respectful – even though I was the fuck-up every time.

    Maybe I’m just lucky – or blessed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Some cops are among the stupidest people on Earth. Once, a huge propane tank was enveloped in flames and firefighters were attempting to cool the tank off so it wouldn’t rupture and cause what’s known as a BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion). A state trooper arrived and began to fire his service revolver at a section of the tank that was glowing orange and starting to bulge. He had to be tackled to the ground. He testified in court that he was attempting to relieve the pressure in the tank. He was sentenced to twenty years in prison. If you want to see what a BLEVE is and what happens when one occurs, go to Youtube. You will be astounded. Everyone within two hundred yards of that tank would have been burned alive if that trooper had punctured it. You have to receive special training and be certified to fight this kind of tank fire. We received our training from the famed Boots & Coots firefighters from Houston.

  12. @Rich Taylor July 16, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    > It is really too bad, but it is the environment we find ourselves in now.

    And. That. Is why. We. Are here.

    If you believe the lies can be trued. Because nobody proved — to your “satisfaction” — that they were deliberate lies. So the lemmings, eaten by kraken, can reverse gravity, and hop (hale and whole) back to the precipice of the cliff. And live happy, prosperous, lives.

    There. Is. No. Solution.

  13. @Anonymous July 16, 2022 at 10:20 pm

    > Every profession has their bad apples

    For those who find themselves on the un-“fortunate” (Luck(TM)’s a grift) side of the intelligence curve:

    If the Bad Apples(TM) are tolerated (to live), it is by design.

  14. @SNS July 16, 2022 at 10:52 pm

    > That just undermined EVERYONE’S authority along with public trust and public confidence.

    You write that like it’s a Bad(TM) thing.

    (No. SRSYLY. Zero snark.

    You. Write that. Like. It. Is. A bad. Thing.

    Time to pray for a Road To Damascus moment.


    [Though, obviously, from some G-ddess, than the one that brought you here.])

  15. @nuck, son of fnord July 18, 2022 at 1:59 am

    [Though, obviously, from some G-ddess, than the one that brought you here.]

    [Though, obviously, from some G-ddess, other than the one that brought you here.]

    I’d hope your, personal, G-oddess would preserve you from copy/paste edits. But, your G-ddess, you monkey (pox).

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