Some 59% of All Catholics Said the Country Is on the Wrong Track – IOTW Report

Some 59% of All Catholics Said the Country Is on the Wrong Track

Just The News: Neither Republicans nor Democrats have a clear edge with Catholic voters nearly four months before the pivotal midterm elections that will determine control of Congress and how much of President Joe Biden’s agenda will get passed in the next two years, according to an in-depth new survey of American Catholics.

Overall, likely voters identifying themselves as Catholic are split nearly evenly in their preference for Congress: 44% indicated support for the Republican candidate in their district, while 43% support the Democrat – with a significant bloc of 13% undecided.

Despite this political divide, a key indicator of voter concern – whether the country is on the right or wrong track – should set off alarm bells for the Biden administration and Democrats, who control both chambers of Congress.

Some 59% of all Catholics said the country is on the wrong track, including 68% of white Catholics and 45% of Latino Catholics, compared to 24% who thought it’s headed in the right direction. more

13 Comments on Some 59% of All Catholics Said the Country Is on the Wrong Track

  1. Anyone who believes that Bergoglio is Christ’s Vicar on Earth and the rightful heir to the Throne of Peter will be very easy to fool about pretty much everything.

  2. Catholics are like everybody else – good, bad, smart, dumb, true believers, Sunday religious, dogmatists, eclectics, and everything in between.

    What are the numbers for Jews, Methodists, Baptists, Ragheads, Sikhs, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Arrians, lizard worshippers, Rastafarians, Flat Earthers, Socialists, Globaloney Warming Retards, and the rest of those religions?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. boron

    I think the number might surprise you. Particularly in area like NYC. But it’s not just their numbers, it’s their influence. Just another part of the problem with our electorate.

  4. I’m kinda surprised that the percentage of Americans who think that the country is on the wrong track is greater than the majority of Catholics! Oh well, there are polls and then there are polls and then there are poll benders. Who knows what to believe anymore these days!

  5. What would be interesting would be to run the numbers B.T. (Before Trump) and A.T. Catholics aside, I think it would show a shift toward Trump’s policies and away from insanity.

  6. I would say that way more than 43% of “Catholics “ don’t believe Catholic doctrine. CINOs (Catholic In Name Only). For example Nancy and Joe. Why they don’t just leave is beyond me.


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