“Woman” who impregnated 2 inmates removed from N.J.’s female prison – IOTW Report

“Woman” who impregnated 2 inmates removed from N.J.’s female prison

NJ.com: A transgender inmate who impregnated two women while incarcerated at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women has been moved to a new facility, according to the Department of Corrections.

Demi Minor, 27, was transferred to Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, a prison for young adult offenders in Burlington County, last month, Dan Sperrazza, a Department of Corrections spokesman, said.

He said the DOC moved Minor to the vulnerable unit at the facility and that she is currently the only woman prisoner on the site. Sperrazza said he could not comment on the DOC’s specific housing actions in Minor’s case because of policies around privacy.

According to the corrections department, Minor is serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter and is eligible for parole in 2037. more

SNIP: I added the strikethroughs. That dude is NOT a woman.

h/t Mr. Pinko.

19 Comments on “Woman” who impregnated 2 inmates removed from N.J.’s female prison

  1. So, what’s the problem here? I see no problem. Anyone entering prison should be sterilized as part of the punishment. It will prevent pregnancies and abortions – win-win.

  2. I swear your honor I’m full on trans. It just kinda slipped out. Then those 2 inmates saw it & proceeded to rape me. I feel so violated. I promise it will never slip out again if I can stay.

  3. That troon ain’t even tryna look like a woman. Also, if this pervert actually was on testosterone blockers/ cross sex hormones, he would be rendered sexually impotent as well as sterile. So, clearly all a dude has to do to be housed in womens’ prison is to say he is a woman.

  4. Combine Max 3:05am + Anonymous
    Stick “it” in solitary after a “chopadicoffame” (h/t Rush) surgical opertion.

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