Ohio: Tax-Hiking Dem Greg Landsman Under Fire for Unpaid Taxes – IOTW Report

Ohio: Tax-Hiking Dem Greg Landsman Under Fire for Unpaid Taxes


The state of Ohio is going after a tax-happy Democratic candidate for unpaid business taxes, according to court documents.

The state in March filed a tax lien against Greg Landsman, a Cincinnati councilman and Democratic candidate for a competitive House race, ordering him to pay interest on unpaid taxes he owes through his firm Landsman & Associates. But while Landsman struggles with tax delinquency, he voted over a four-year span on the Cincinnati City Council to raise taxes and fees at least eight times—even as he acknowledged that Ohio families were “struggling” with taxes.

The state taxes are not the only debt Landsman owes the government. His business in 2020 received a $16,647 Paycheck Protection Program loan that has not been paid or forgiven. The firm is owned entirely by Landsman and listed only one employee on its loan application. The loan went entirely to payroll, according to data provided by the Small Business Administration. more

7 Comments on Ohio: Tax-Hiking Dem Greg Landsman Under Fire for Unpaid Taxes

  1. So… Fucking… Typical… The democrats are a party of demonic scum. End of story. It’s just like that faggot in Hawaii who claimed Republicans accused others of grooming because they were the real groomers, and he said this after he posted videos of him fucking one of his own underage male students in the ass. Dealing with them is literally like dealing with Satan.

  2. This sounds EXACTLY like the donkey-toothed AOC who makes those comical donkey-sound brays all over the place to anyone who will listen to it about “taxing the rich”—–all the while recently exposed as failing to pay her own corporate taxes on some dumb publishing “business” which went belly-up after her comical attempts to peddle oily books for children. The stupid-looking white and pricey dress she wore which she wrote in red with the words “tax the rich” should be corrected by her to read “TAX THIS BI*CH”.~

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