Wait—She Had A Speechwriter? – IOTW Report

Wait—She Had A Speechwriter?

The sad news came on Friday: after just a few months on the job, alleged Vice President Kamala Harris’ director of speechwriting, Meghan Groob, is quitting. Groob has only been on the job since April; her predecessor, Kate Childs Graham, quit in February. The strangest part of this story, however, is not the continuing revolving door in Harris’ office; it’s the fact that the notoriously tongue-tied vice president had a “director of speechwriting” in the first place. You mean somebody actually writes Harris’ famous word salads?

Harris’ public statements leave us with two unpalatable choices: either the putative vice president has an unfortunate penchant for venturing off script and into incoherence, or Groob is the most spectacularly incompetent speechwriter in the history of the known universe. Imagine being the composer of this Harris pronouncement on inflation: “Well, first of all, I acknowledge one must acknowledge, um, that prices are going up. And that people are working hard. And in many cases are worried about whether they can get through the end of the month and make it all work.” Or these pearls of wisdom about skyrocketing inflation rates: “Prices have gone up. And families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more.”

Did a speechwriter give Harris this to say last January about the Biden administration’s approach to the COVID hysteria? “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.” Yes, she really said that. more

10 Comments on Wait—She Had A Speechwriter?

  1. Even though the vapid veep had a speech writer, she still had to read through these speeches before giving them.

    She must have practiced in front of people
    So she knew what was in them and still got up and read them in public.

    Just confirms she’s an empty suit

  2. I think the speechwriter had it in for Kamala. Look at what she’s been saying in the past – makes no sense. Writer got what she wanted – humiliate Kamala, make her sound like the stupid **** that she is.

  3. I’m pretty sure Fucktard son of Fuckwad will do a better job.

    It’s just possible that she’s illiterate – they may have written speeches for her worthy of Churchill, but she simply can’t read them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. At first I thought maybe she and Joe write each others speeches.
    Then I decided it was probably a circus monkey trying to play Chopin on the keyboard.
    But no, they had an actual person on the payroll for this.. really?


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