Leftist Woke Culture Policing Dog Names – IOTW Report

Leftist Woke Culture Policing Dog Names

The Lid:
Next on the list of “What’s Racist This Week,” leftists are now telling us that dog names are raaaaacist.

Why anyone takes these halfwits seriously is anyone’s guess.

University pinheads are celebrating the new slant on dogs by claiming that many names people give their animals are racist and evidence of white privilege. And a study set out to prove this by finding that dogs with “black” names didn’t get adopted at a shelter as fast as dogs with “white” names.

The study, authored in part by professional race-baiter Natasha Quadlin, asked, “When shelter dogs have racialized names, what happens to their adoption outcomes?” more

29 Comments on Leftist Woke Culture Policing Dog Names

  1. Ghost of Burner
    JULY 19, 2022 AT 12:36 PM
    “Never known a dog named Lasquisha…”

    …depends on the definition and context of “dog”. There is a common usage of that which is decidedly unfeminist.

  2. Who even looks at the names when picking out a dog from the shelter? Because of what Joe Biden and his handlers have done to the country, people are already giving up their pets because they can’t afford them anymore and that means they’ll be euthanized. Where’s their outrage on that? I will be homeless before I give mine up to a shelter.

  3. “I will be homeless before I give mine up to a shelter.”

    My thoughts exactly. I use Craigslist often, looking for stuff to buy/barter to use on our property. Pisses me off to no end when I see dogs and cats listed in the “Free” section. “Moving to new apartment, so dog has to go.” So many times I’ve emailed them telling them what a piece of shit they are.

  4. It’s true that black dogs are less likely to be adopted than brown or white dogs, but that fact has absolutely nothing to do with names. Most shelter dogs don’t even have names. The length these race-grifters will go to make everything racist is limitless.

    For some happy dogs stories and a great rescue org, check out http://www.tracyspaws.com. They are a great group out of Texas that rescue dogs and adopt them out across the country. YouTube has some videos of the adopted dogs meeting their new families for the first time.

  5. Can they define dog? What is a dog? Can the dog be male or female? Can a dog self identify as a cat, perhaps? Let’s ask our newest Supreme Court Justice.

  6. Imagine taking your racist dog in your racist car after a racist ballet lesson on a racist highway to see a racist Donald Trump rally and stopping along the way to eat some racist food and visit some racist national parks.

    And you thought you were just living a nice life. RACIST! The KKK would just mail you a cap and gown free of charge after recognizing your dedication.

  7. Our dog is black (1/4 wolf actually) but my wife wouldn’t allow me to name her Ghetto so we settled on Garnet. She doesn’t seem to care what we call her except she doesn’t want to be called late for dinner.

  8. I had a black cocker spaniel.

    He laid around the house watching Oprah while drinking muscatel, fucking all the other dogs in the neighborhood, jacking up 7-11s, selling crack, and finally demanded that I buy him a Cadillac Escalade.

    I was OK with that until he hired a little white Pomeranian to drive him around.

    But he was clean and articulate …

  9. A list of dog names that I’ve had or been around all of my 69 years, my grandparents dog Boy, a pure white Belgian shepherd, my dad and his older brothers dog Punk when they were growing up in the 30’s, also my uncles other dog Punk, a Bassett hound who always came with him and my cousins when they visited us or we were over at his farm in N. Idaho, our first family dog was Bugle the beagle in the early 60’s, Jones (Jonesy, Mr. Jones), the half breed beagle and Samoyed mix who was the best bird dog we ever had in the 60’s and early 70’s and since he wasn’t fixed, he was a free range dog like my 3 brothers and I were free range kids, Jones probably fathered a lot of other mutts in my neighborhood, Henry, my neighbor’s dachshund, my brothers German shepherds Seetah and Shazzi (does that qualify for politically correct names for female German shepherds), Chico, my dad’s guard dog at his gas station who was a large Belgian shepherd and a total badass around bad guys and ne’er do wells. He once made a cop jump about 3 to 4 ft. in the air when there was a bank robbery next door to the Shell station who came around the corner looking for the robber until my dad called him off, fortunately my dad knew the cop. My youngest brother’s German shepherds, Shadow and her son Astro, Max (and another German shepherd whose name I can’t remember now), Max was the biggest shepherd I ever knew who weighed 120 pounds or so. The only thing that Max was scared of was my brothers large 25# yellow tabby cat Fritz who wouldn’t put up with Max trying to intimidate him. My family dogs with my kids were Buddy, a rough male Collie like Lassie who was my son’s first dog from the age of 2 onwards, my son when he was little and just starting to talk called him Dirty since he couldn’t pronounce Buddy, Snickers, a Golden retriever mixed mutt who absolutely hated cats and was a cantakerous sneaky little bastard, Sam, my youngest daughter’s dog a female Golden retriever and her best friend who could run and catch frisbees like there was no tomorrow, unfortunately she was poisoned and we still don’t know why or how. And last was Indie, a male golden retriever who we got when he was 3 months old as a Christmas present 3 months after Sam died from my son. Indie and my yellow tabby cat Finn were great friends, Indie died a couple of years ago at the age of 12, my next dog I’m naming Kirby, he’ll either be another Collie if I can find one or another Golden retriever, we’ll see. Dogs rule! We always though that the perfect name for a dog would be Dog pronounced Dee Oh Gee.

  10. If we had a dog, I’d name him Knickerbocker.
    “Knicker” for short.

    I wanted to name our black-and-white cat Squad Car but my wife said NO! We settled on the name Killer.

    We named our all black cat Dixie.


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