Whitlock: Minneapolis mom’s screams a consequence of Black Lives Matter and Ben Crump’s protection of criminals – IOTW Report

Whitlock: Minneapolis mom’s screams a consequence of Black Lives Matter and Ben Crump’s protection of criminals

It’s time for a name change: Black Violence Matters.


Reaction to the death of Tekle Sundberg lays bare the true mission of Black Lives Matter. The hashtag movement is dedicated to legitimizing and legalizing black violence, particularly violence that victimizes poor black people.

BLM does not care about the lives of black people. The hashtag is the modern-day KKK hood, a disguise to conceal the bigotry, depravity, and greed of its supporters.

Ben Crump is BLM’s Imperial Wizard, the mush-mouthed, imbecilic southerner profiting from the peculiar institution of anti-black discrimination. Crump fashions himself as a civil rights attorney, a descendant of Thurgood Marshall and Martin Luther King. Crump is the Frankenstein monster, the low-IQ creation of Johnnie Cochran and Al Sharpton.

Marshall and King fought for the rights of working-class black people interested in pursuing the American Dream. Cochran and Sharpton ballooned their bank accounts fighting for the rights of criminals interested in evading responsibility for their immoral deeds. more

5 Comments on Whitlock: Minneapolis mom’s screams a consequence of Black Lives Matter and Ben Crump’s protection of criminals

  1. I “favorite-d” IOTWReport.com on my phone, so when I open the link it always goes to the story that was page 1 at the time I saved it. This is the story:

    “July 15, 2021 — BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regime — ‘condemns the US'”

    The story starts out with this tweet from Andy Ngo:

    “The official Black Lives Matter account has posted a statement reaffirming its support of Cuba’s communist regime just as mass anti-government protests are breaking out in the island. BLM also again expressed gratitude for Cuba giving asylum to convicted murderer Assata Shakur.”

    It goes on to state that BLM officially condemned the US for its “inhumane treatment of the Cuban people.”

    Like everything else the communist Left does, the stated object of their “protests” have zero to do with the stated object. “Black Lives” is a foil, “Antifa” (anti-fascists) is a foil, #MeToo is a foil — each of them, bogus.


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