Fed Quietly Acquires 7 Million Monkeypox Vaccines, as Fauci Starts Selling Product on TV – IOTW Report

Fed Quietly Acquires 7 Million Monkeypox Vaccines, as Fauci Starts Selling Product on TV

There have been zero monkeypox deaths outside of Africa this year.

17 Comments on Fed Quietly Acquires 7 Million Monkeypox Vaccines, as Fauci Starts Selling Product on TV

  1. As Don Surber pointed out, call it what it is, AIDS2. I guess you could send the vac. to the big cities like S.F. Chicago Miami Boston etc. that have large gay populations and give it to them. Rural America doesn’t have that much of a problem.
    No vaccine for me, don’t trust anything Fauci says.

  2. Uncle Al
    JULY 20, 2022 AT 10:10 AM
    “@aircubed — The way so many people panic is very worrisome. We may have to panic over so much panic! (-;”

    …for which, Brandon will mandate a deadly vaxxine that Democrat donors will profit from, and Fauci will sell it by saying “you will still panic, but not as much as you would have without it. And dead people don’t panic at all!”

    Something like that.

  3. Plunder. Plain and simple.
    The taxpayers are being plundered to transfer their wealth to corporate parasites.

    If the filthy fukkin faggots want Monkeypox “vaccine” let them purchase it behind the dumpsters and in the shithouses like they do their drugs.

    This is another hoax – Globaloney Warming – CoVid – Acid Rain – Radon – Alar – Windshield Pitting – UFOs – the 2020 Election – Biden – Clinton – Marines Proud of their Faggots – Lloyd Austin who dresses like a Darth Vader Italian Maitre’D – Richard (Rachael) Levine – &c., &c., &c.

    We’re fukkin idiots to put up with this Bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Carlos
    “I’m thinking their monkeypox “vaccine” will be as effective as their covid “vaccine”.
    Do you mean transmits monkeypox?
    If you don’t have it yet, we can fix that.


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