Major Miscue Had A Bad Week. Again. – IOTW Report

Major Miscue Had A Bad Week. Again.

What was he trying to keep out of people’s hands???

12 Comments on Major Miscue Had A Bad Week. Again.

  1. Mr. Biden’s bad, very bad day, Monday July 17, 2022.

    While strolling along a beach in Delaware, Biden spotted a cute little girl on her bicycle.

    Biden: Hello little girl, what’s your name?
    Little girl: Mindy
    Biden: How old are you, Mindy?
    Mindy: I’m seven.
    Biden: Perfect. I’m going to sniff your bicycle seat.
    Mindy: No, you’re creepy, get lost (peddles away as fast as she can)
    Biden turns to his SS bodyguards and FBI agents: Get going you guys, you know what to do.
    Two hours later, at FBI HQ, Washington, DC…
    FBI Agent Skankman: Hi Mindy, do you know why you’re here?
    Mindy (Crying): I want to go home.
    Skankman: Mindy, we want to ask you some questions. Are you OK with that?
    Mindy (Crying): I want to go home.
    Skankman: You disobeyed the President… that’s a pretty serious matter…all he wanted to do is sniff your bike seat.
    Mindy (Crying): My Daddy doesn’t do that…why did he want to smell my bike?
    Skankman: Nobody knows why…and that’s not the problem…you defied the President. As for your father, he’s not the nice man you think he is. He lets your cat go outdoors to kill mice and rats. Have you ever seen what a cat does to a rat? It’s brutal.
    Mindy: I’m sorry if I did something bad. Can I go home?
    Skankman: Yes, we’ll take you home as long as you promise to do everything the President asks you to do. Do you understand?
    Mindy: Yes, can I go home now?
    Skankman: Yes, but we’ll keep your bicycle for a few weeks while we do a lab analysis. As for your cat, we captured him and gave him to the National Science Lab for animal experimental testing. Ask your dad to get another, less brutal cat, OK?
    Mindy (Crying): I promise I will never ever do a bad thing again.
    Skankman: We believe you Mindy…now let me take off the hand cuffs and let you go home.

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