Bill de Blasio Drops Out of Congress Race After Dismal Polling – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio Drops Out of Congress Race After Dismal Polling

No Kidding.


Bill de Blasio dropped his bid to represent the left-leaning 10th Congressional District on Tuesday, admitting that “it’s not going work out.”

“I’ve really listened carefully to people and it’s clear to me that when it comes to this congressional district, people are looking for another option. And I respect that,” the former mayor said in a video statement posted to Twitter.

He also conceded it’s finally time for him to “leave electoral politics” and “focus on other ways to serve.”

“Even though this is not going to work out, I hope you know how much I appreciate you and we’re gonna do a lot together to make this city better in the future,” he added. 

De Blasio quit the race one day after a poll released by the progressive Working Families Party showed more than half of undecided Democratic voters in the district definitely would not back him in the crowded race.

Of the 15 candidates in the race, 49% of respondents — 254 of the 636 individuals surveyed — said they would not cast a ballot for de Blasio.

If elected, the 61 year old ex-pol would have represented parts of his old City Council district which includes his own Park Slope neighborhood. more

5 Comments on Bill de Blasio Drops Out of Congress Race After Dismal Polling

  1. “focus on other ways to serve.”

    Translation, “Hey Brandon, even though I’m not black or female or queer or transgenderly malleable, I’m still up for any cushy job you got that does not require cranial horsepower. My moral compass is “flexible” and I’m willing to lie, cheat or steal (got plenty of experience doing that in Albany) with impunity as long as I can wet my beak in the cleaner waters of the swamp. That and I gotta get out of the house, this woman is going to be the death of me”.

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