Experts Insist Sea Levels Are Rising Despite Photos Proving They Aren’t – IOTW Report

Experts Insist Sea Levels Are Rising Despite Photos Proving They Aren’t

Red State: The First Church of Climate Change demands absolute fealty lest Mother Gaia smite thee mightily with a fearsome blow. This is why, for example, true believers such as Barack Obama only purchase property guaranteed safe from rising sea levels and … oh, wait

Nevertheless, intrepid defenders of the faith are unceasing in their efforts, demanding who do you believe: them, or your lying eyes and ears. The latest foray involves recently circulated photos of Sydney Harbor taken some 140 years apart. more here

20 Comments on Experts Insist Sea Levels Are Rising Despite Photos Proving They Aren’t

  1. I truly don’t care what warmers think. The entire movement has been hijacked by power mad globalists and it’s become all about manipulation for greed and power.

  2. My favorite “scoience” is that “sea level is not the same everywhere due to gravity”… which is, of course, the usual bullshit from the left because while sea levels do vary due to gravity, the nature of that gravitational variation has not changed in eons; so essentially, the sea levels haven’t changed one iota and the usual lying filth know it.

  3. They also insist that temperatures are rising, when they are actually cooling! Meanwhile the Elites are still snapping up beachfront property despite their own predictions/propaganda and banks are still issuing 30 year mortgages for said property! Now that’s whutcha call talkin out of both sides of yer mouth AND yer ass at the same time!

    While that may seem silly, whuts even sillier are the suckers that listen to them!!

  4. We’ve all seen where the elite global hoax-sters reside, exclusive ocean front properties worldwide. Same people going to address the climate on their private planes hauling 80 gas guzzling limos. If they believed any of this Obama wouldn’t have just bought his newest multi million dollar Hawaiian property. More BS for the dumbed down masses.

  5. Whether it’s global temperature readings or sea level measurements, if you dig deep enough into the data, you will always find an arbitrary “correction factor” that skews the results in the direction they want; warmer temps, and higher sea levels. Notice that the numbers are such that in the average lifetime, you couldn’t see the change even if it was happening.

  6. Can’t let facts interfere with the hoax narrative – no money in that.

    The mindless Globaloney Zealots don’t care about facts, anyway – they see something greater than themselves, which eschews critical thinking, to glom onto.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. A few months ago they were explaining the discrepancy by claiming that the Oceans were getting deeper (the Ocean floor was falling) at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE!

    Same Hoax; Different Bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Doc
    JULY 22, 2022 AT 11:28 AM
    “Let us not forget the fact that in hot weather more fat people go to the beach to get wet and cool down, that right there displaces a lot of water!”

    Doc: don’t forget, a lot of them are peeing in the ocean, which raises the level even more!

  9. “…over the past decade or so has increased to 4.77mm/yr over the past 10 years.”
    4.77mm is .1877 inches, so less than 2 inches every 10 years. Insert my shocked and worried face _here_. And that’s **assuming** this level of accuracy is even possible with the equipment and methods used to measure it.


    PSA START: Stacy Abrams is wading into the water at Miami Beach…Prepare for coastal flooding…and a STRONG possibility of thousands of dead fish along the shore…END OF PSA


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