John Kerry, Anthony Fauci Have Overstayed Their Hack Jobs – IOTW Report

John Kerry, Anthony Fauci Have Overstayed Their Hack Jobs

Howie Carr

If Anthony Fauci is finally, finally headed for the exit, can John Forbes Kerry be far behind?

These two pampered pukes have been slurping at the public trough longer than most Americans have been alive — often wrong, but never in doubt.

You know, it’s one thing to feed at the public trough. These two Beltway banditos have been licking the plate.

I always thought it would take the Jaws of Life to pry this pair of superannuated hacks — combined age: 159 years — off the public mammary.

Over the weekend, it was Fauci who went on state-run media to tell his fellow Democrat operatives that he won’t be around forever. Can we get that in writing, Doc — and notarized, too?

The next day, Fauci of course tried to walk it back, much like he always does, over and over and over again, with masks, vaccines, travel bans and all the other preposterous lockdown mandates since he ginned up the Panic in 2020.

“I’m not going to retire,” he said, stamping his little 81-year-old feet. “No, no, I’m not going to retire. I may step down from my current position at some time … I have other things I want to do.”

What both he and Kerry want to do is avoid getting a subpoena from Congressional Republicans to testify, under oath, about their squalid careers.

Consider Fauci’s peril. If the GOP takes over the Senate, Rand Paul may personally hand-deliver him a subpoena to appear for a discussion of, among other things, gain-of-function research in Red China, his “royalty payments” from Big Pharma, the torture, er, research on beagles, etc. more here

11 Comments on John Kerry, Anthony Fauci Have Overstayed Their Hack Jobs

  1. Lurch got a pass on treason when he deliberately undermined Trump’s Iran policy behind his back, pretending to represent the US government in meetings in Teheran in 2017 after Trump’s inauguration.

    Doctor Scoience still gets a pass for funding biowarfare research for China using US tax dollars.

    The demonic vermin still run DC and that won’t change, even if the GOP sweeps the House, Senate, and White House over the next four years, because Satan runs that town at a systemic, granular level.

  2. It’d really be kool if Kerry and Fauxi arrived at the Gates of Hell together!

    The evil chihuahua could ride on the evil pony’s back.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The malignant garden gnome has “served” for 59 years. There should be(but never will) term limits for all politicians. As well as ALL federal employees having to retire by a certain age. 65 sounds about right. It truly is a ridiculous & sad fact that these people serve NO purpose. They are nothing but leeches, stealing every drop of blood they can while laughing at what a bunch of lemmings the American people are. Yet, it seems like every other day, there is a new government alphabet agency that is just redundant upon redundant upon redundant. Redundancy is important from an engineering standpoint, not in government. It has become such a behemoth, that eventually it will collapse under it’s own weight. The road is paved for that to happen very soon. As for John Fucking Kerry, he married rich, got richer by being a climate alarmist & now thinks he knows everything about everything & will not hesitate to lecture you about how much he(thinks) he knows. A buffoon on par with Biden.

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