Petition Calls For a Return to Sanity – IOTW Report

Petition Calls For a Return to Sanity

Howie Carr

Here’s the last thing local Democrats want you to see on your statewide ballot in November:

A referendum question letting the state’s taxpayers decide whether hundreds of thousands of lawless, non-working, non-English-speaking illegal immigrants should be allowed to have driver’s licenses.

Everyone knows how many things you can do — and how much free stuff you can get — with a driver’s license. That’s why you had to have one as soon as you turned sweet 16.

Most of the illegal immigrants are already grabbing at least one if not more handouts from working people. Do you want to give these criminals yet another freebie that they can use to leverage even more handouts?

Hell no, you don’t. That’s why the Democrats in the Legislature rammed it through against the will of their constituents who actually work for a living.

If you want to express your resistance to this latest giveaway, this weekend you might take a moment to sign the petition to put the question onto the Nov. 8 ballot.

The working people must get at least 40,000 certified signatures by Aug. 24 to put the referendum question onto the ballot.

There are locations all over the state where you can sign. To find a place nearby where you can sign, go to

When you’re out shopping this weekend, look for card tables with signs in front: VOTE NO. NO Licenses For Illegal Immigrants.”

That’s where you can sign the petitions. Every signature matters, everyone is needed. The volunteer at the table will make sure you get the right petition — for your city or town. If you’re a registered voter, you can sign. more

11 Comments on Petition Calls For a Return to Sanity

  1. How bout a referendum on whether or not illegal-alien invading rat-people should be allowed to illegally invade?

    WTF is wrong with us? Drivers’ licenses? You gotta be shittin me!
    I knew a guy, Ready Freddy (not what his Mom named him, I’m pretty sure), who was a 7 times convicted DWI and STILL drove to work every single fukkin day (till he died in a car crash)! Driver’s License, indeed.

    We keep looking at the squirrels and ignoring the Grizzlies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Portland, ME has a referendum on the city ballot to allow non citizens to vote in local elections.
    That is what all this bulloney is about.
    Maine even made the Gateway Pundit because of all the Africans it’s brought in.
    New England is due for a return to sanity.

  3. The only question now is how the senior GOP leadership, at the behest of the GOP donor class, will help the democrats sabotage such an effort. Illegal immigration has been out of control for over a half century because the DC uniparty cabal wants it to be out of control.


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