Sole BLM-backed federal candidate charged with wire fraud scheme involving campaign and party funds – IOTW Report

Sole BLM-backed federal candidate charged with wire fraud scheme involving campaign and party funds


The only federal Democratic candidate backed by the Black Lives Matter PAC this election cycle is now facing a wire fraud charge for routing campaign and party funds to outside individuals and companies, and using the money on personal expenses, including gambling.

The Black Lives Matter PAC, a BLM Global Network Foundation-affiliated committee, in July 2021 pushed more than $100,000 into independent expenditures backing Karen Carter Peterson’s failed attempt at entering Congress in Louisiana’s 2nd district, federal records reviewed by Fox News Digital show. 

Peterson, a former Louisiana Democratic Party chair and state senator, resigned from the state senate in April, citing her mental health and gambling addiction.  more

14 Comments on Sole BLM-backed federal candidate charged with wire fraud scheme involving campaign and party funds

  1. Real online home based work to make more than $14k. Last month I made $15738 from this home job. Very simple and easy to do and earnings from this are just awesome for details. For more detail visit the given interface.. Read more

  2. …soo…he’s a typical Democrat.

    Except for the “Charged” part.

    Must be the Party reminding him of his place.

    Charges be dropped later, if he swears fealty to Davos.

  3. Anyone noticing a pattern of blame here?

    She’s not responsible for the theft because gambling addiction (which she is valiantly fighting and seeking rehab for). We shouldn’t be angry at her behavior because she “has no control over it.”

    Black PAC/politicals ALWAYS thieving from the PAC money. Not saying whites don’t; just thinking there is a higher percentage among the “of color” members.

    Why a plea deal for a clear cut case of fraud? Guess they don’t want to waste the DA’s time, huh?

  4. So damn stupid, even for a potential congresswoman. She should have been tutored by Maxine Waters, or even AOC. You have to launder your campaign funds by hiring your relatives as “consultants”. You can pay your significant other an almost unlimited amount to be your “campaign manager”, dumbass.

  5. Real online home based work to make more than $14k. Last month I made $15738 from this home job. Very simple and easy to do and earnings from this are just awesome for details. For more detail visit the given interface… Read more

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