Twitter Posts $270M Loss – IOTW Report

Twitter Posts $270M Loss


Twitter posts $270M loss after revenue dropped unexpectedly: Company blames Elon Musk for creating ‘uncertainty’ with his chaotic $44B takeover bid

  • Twitter on Friday reported a second-quarter loss of $270 million 
  • Revenue declined unexpectedly to $1.18 billion, down 1% from last year 
  • Company cited ‘uncertainty’ related to Elon Musk’s offer to buy the company
  • Twitter is trying to force Musk to make good on his $44B takeover promise
  • Legal fight looms in Delaware court with expedited trial set for October  MORE

20 Comments on Twitter Posts $270M Loss

  1. I’m have so much fun over there talkin’ shit to our least favorite celebrities and even shittier lefty/RINO politicians.

    Sometimes I screenshot my smart ass replies and send them to a great friend who appreciates my Manderin attacks! LOL!

  2. A little math here. So revenue declined around $10M but the quarterly loss was $270M. And annualized revenue is around $5B – keeping in mind that it has operated at a loss for nearly its entire existence – yet Elon’s offer is $44B.
    I understand buying it for its social value, and particularly if it is to ensure freedom of speech. But as a financial decision it is not a particularly sound one.

  3. Musk didn’t cause their downfall. He just shined a light on their bot fraud in front of everybody with a legitimate offer and asked for full transparency, which they did not give.

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  5. Imagine running a website where once it’s running the machines take over and there’s basically nothing to do but sit back and collect $5 Billion per year since free speech is just that: free. So you come up with a bunch of goons to police content on the website to make it a diverse, equatable, and inclusive that has the effect of being divisive, exclusionary, and inequitable. All their efforts result in 100% of website users to be nothing but pissed off at each other. All for a $6 Billion annual price tag, in order to pocket negative $1 Billion, stolen from investors.

    Well if you told me such a scenario, I’d say it’s run by a bunch of leftists with hurt feelings that can’t math or take responsibility for their own shitty policing.

  6. Yet the Don is still FOREVER banned. Thank you! Well lil ones Elon will still pay 1 billion & Trump will lose to DeSantis. One & done America doesn’t want this dirtbag! Bounty on his head is going up daily. Clown is going down.

  7. The Twitter loss was not “unexpected” as ads and audience have been declining steadily since Joe Biden stole the white house and engineered a widespread massive inflation across the nation and against virtually every entity in the US. Twitter (et al) survives on advertising dollars and not from some fairy godmother granting money wishes behind the oz curtain.

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