A White House MD Becomes Incoherent Over ‘COVID Kamala’ – IOTW Report

A White House MD Becomes Incoherent Over ‘COVID Kamala’

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

We are constantly assured that Kamala Harris works closely with Joe Biden.  They’re a team, we’re told, and she’s ready to take over for him at a moment’s notice.  That’s why it was so funny watching Dr. Ashish Jha, who is the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, became absolutely incoherent when a dogged reporter asked him why Kamala Harris was out hugging people despite having been part of Biden’s inner circle as he became ill.

This video needs no introduction (hat tip: Twitchy):

It was incredibly funny to watch Jha desperately try to avoid saying, “Yes, Kamala Harris totally violated the COVID protocols that we demand of ordinary Americans.”  Or perhaps, “Yes, Kamala Harris has just proven herself to be the COVID equivalent of Typhoid Mary.  From here on out, just call her ‘Covid Kamala.'” MORE

10 Comments on A White House MD Becomes Incoherent Over ‘COVID Kamala’

  1. No wonder Biden showed this idiot his clean plate. Should have hit him over the head with it.

    These dissembling clowns always claim they haven’t seen or heard anything about whatever the questioner is referring to and therefore cannot comment on it. Meanwhile, everyone else in the room has seen or heard it. Nobody is fooled, only annoyed.

  2. On Friday, Gutfield of Fox News said of Joey, “But now you have polling that shows that he’s less popular than getting punched in the face.”

    Kakamala is less popular than getting punched in the face twice. And then kneed in the groin.

  3. Just put a WWII German uniform on “Dr” Jha and call him Sargent Shultz. He knows NOTHING!
    This evil idiot may have a degree and maybe a practice, butt he’s helping no one with his Marxist “scioence” and leftist policies.

  4. There is absolutely no one, not a single person in this fake administration, who is even slightly competent. How on earth did they manage to assemble this cast of morons?

  5. KOVID KAMALA is nothing more than a phony, dowdy, tawdry, laughing hyena-slob wearing a cheap china-made polyester pantsuit bursting at the seams from gluttony. The has-been democrats comically use the incapable sloth KK as Biden’s caretaker, another known do-nothing who will try to force back into the box all the horrors poured out upon Americans by Joe Biden and accomplices, including by KKCheapPantsuit.


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