Did Her Parents Think She Was An “Issue”? – IOTW Report

Did Her Parents Think She Was An “Issue”?

19 Comments on Did Her Parents Think She Was An “Issue”?

  1. The only “issue” is that there are too many women having babies in America, that shouldn’t be in America and only come to take advantage.
    Oh yeah, we’re not supposed to talk about that.

  2. Her father was a Communist from Jamaica and her mother was a Socialist from India. They both had an “Issue” with America, and now their daughter’s stupidity has become a “Problem” for the Dementiacrat-Socialist-Communist Party. What a gift! As Dementia Joe’s public utterances drift into ludicrous brain teasers, the Kalamitous Jamindian’s pithy spurts of stupidity are beginning to sound like they are coming from the really smart one in this pair of dunces. What an embarrassing situation for Baracky Osmidgen and Susan Rice. Fweedom!

  3. I pleasured MANY men in my rise to the top, but no one ever got ME pregnant by cumming in my mouth!


    But we need to keep abortion just in case!

  4. She meant to say,”Women are having unprotected sex every day in America, and this is an issue.”

    This controversy has NOTHING to do about “my body, my right”. It has EVERYTHING to do about “my right to have unprotected sex without the consequences of pregnancy.” Selfish assholes!

  5. Did that gender oppressing bitch just say “women” get pregnant?

    Define “women” you commie mutant.

    Notice not a single whisper of outrage from her fellow travelers.

    I would love to see the marxist trolls that haunt IOTW defend their queen for this non-personing slight.

    Cat got your tounges you pinko bitches?

  6. So what’s her “issue?” That women ARE pregnant, or that women CAN GET pregnant?

    Or maybe it’s because Obama taught her that pregnancy is an ‘inconvenience.’

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