FBI Vindicates Trump Warnings About Chinese Tech Giant Huawei – IOTW Report

FBI Vindicates Trump Warnings About Chinese Tech Giant Huawei

JTN: The FBI’s reported conclusion that Chinese telecommunications company Huawei placed equipment on American soil capable of disrupting military communications overseeing U.S. nuclear weapons echoes long-held concerns of the former Trump administration about China using private tech companies to spy on the U.S.

The resurgence of concern over alleged Chinese espionage through Huawei comes as Congress, the FBI, and the Pentagon warn that the threat posed by China to the U.S. and its allies is growing across the board and could reach a fever pitch in the foreseeable future.

Federal officials quietly killed the construction of a Chinese garden on one of the highest points in Washington, D.C. just two miles from the U.S. Capitol after counterintelligence agents became concerned the $100 million project was a way for China to increase its spying capabilities inside the U.S., according to a new CNN report.

The decision to cancel the garden was part of a sweeping, yearslong U.S. counterintelligence effort to investigate Chinese espionage on American soil — an effort that’s found a pattern of attempts to install Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near U.S. military bases in the rural Midwest.

According to CNN, the FBI determined this equipment was capable of capturing and disrupting Defense Department communications — including those used by U.S. Strategic Command, which oversees the country’s nuclear weapons.

The report came amid ongoing concern in Washington about China’s large-scale nuclear buildup, which has alarmed U.S. officials. more here

13 Comments on FBI Vindicates Trump Warnings About Chinese Tech Giant Huawei

  1. China is engaged in an undeclared war with America that needs to be addressed before some stupid blunder starts a shooting war.

    Stupid blunders have caused many wars.

  2. Reminder: GA SOS Brad Raffensperger’s brother is stillemployed in China by Huawei. They don’t give a shit about who knows what.

    And on a related note:

    “If You Were Subject to the Data Breaches of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and Its Contractor (Peraton Risk Decision Inc.), and You Experienced an Out-of-Pocket Loss After the Breaches, You Could Be Eligible for a Payment from a Class Action Settlement.”


    Only $63,000,000. Chump change for the victims, but they’re government workers, so..

    And the OPM and Peraton may be the defendants, but it was China which did the hacking during the Obama regime.

  3. Everything that comes out of China is a Trojan horse.

    From toxins and radiation up to complex spying systems and quite likely weapons that can be automatically or remotely triggered, everything that comes out of China is meant to harm us. Everything.

    Count on it.

  4. OK, now what?

    Let me guess mmmK? Another fucking pass by our sold out “representation”

    What do I win?

    I can only hope that we are fucking with them mercilessly under the radar.

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