‘Corrupted to their very core’: Whistleblowers say DOJ, FBI Show Political Bias In Investigations – IOTW Report

‘Corrupted to their very core’: Whistleblowers say DOJ, FBI Show Political Bias In Investigations

Just The News-

A string of whistleblowers within the FBI allege that the bureau and the Department of Justice have selectively observed federal guidelines, launching investigations into conservative-aligned figures without sufficient basis to do so.

In a Monday press release from Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley, the Iowa Republican highlighted whistleblower accusations that “Washington Field Office Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault disregarded agency guidelines requiring substantial factual predication to trigger investigations.”

Grassley’s office noted that Thibault played a pivotal role in opening an investigation into the Trump campaign using information from a
“left-aligned organization” and that he whitewashed the source’s biases to coax approval for an investigation from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. more here

6 Comments on ‘Corrupted to their very core’: Whistleblowers say DOJ, FBI Show Political Bias In Investigations

  1. Corrupted to their very core

    Hunh? Wonder how that happened?

    Maybe it was Triffids? Hey Constitutional Conservative Congress Critters! Maybe you can slip in a few trillion, in the next “emergency” appropriations bill, for Triffid investigations?

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