The Final Months of a Bad Employee – IOTW Report

The Final Months of a Bad Employee

American Thinker:

By John F. Di Leo

If you work in the business world long enough, you will notice that an employee reveals the most about his own personal work ethic, not when he starts out, not when he’s angling for a bonus or promotion, but at the end, when he gets a new job and gives his two weeks’ notice, or when he starts training his successor as he reaches retirement.

How hard does he work those final weeks? Does he still put the company first, or does he just phone it in?  Or does he stuff his briefcase with office supplies, raid the petty cash drawer, and pilfer the prototype cabinet every evening before he goes home?

If he really gives it all he’s got, right up to the last day, then there’s a role model to remember with love.

The same goes for political leadership when it has had its walking papers served on Election Day, or even when that eventuality becomes evident, months in advance.

The polls now are in agreement: barring some earth-shaking shock this autumn, the Democrat party will be out of leadership in the United States House of Representatives and in some state legislatures as well, following the November elections. more here

10 Comments on The Final Months of a Bad Employee

  1. “The polls now are in agreement: barring some earth-shaking shock this autumn, the Democrat party will be out of leadership in the United States House of Representatives and in some state legislatures as well, following the November elections.”


    Never thought of myself as an “earth shaking shock”!


    Maybe I’ll get T-shirts made!

    You know, for after the *giggle!* “election”!

    Good luck with that!

  2. ^^^Someone has hijacked Outdoor John’s name and aviator. That’s not him. This isn’t the first time that has happened.

    Those Pakistani MFers have hijacked his name. I swear, I would implement the death penalty for these lowlife worms. It’s not like I go to their place of business and slap the dicks out of their mouths. -bfh

  3. Wild Bill. I am thinking tomorrow will be the day for me. I can no longer tolerate the idiots of Spotsylvania county Virginia. Most are fine. There’s one that needs suffocating and drowning in a shallow swamp.
    I get to meet with this insufferable woman tomorrow.
    This probably won’t turn out well


  4. @Anonymous July 27, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    > And term limits would only magnify this problem, yet many are convinced that’s what we need.

    The need to grab the money and run, before “retiring”, removes the chance to hide the profit. And, gives US the opportunity to thank ALL for their service. Not merely the unfortunate few.

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