Daycare Owner Finds Out Husband Molested Her Daycare Kids, So She Shoots Him – IOTW Report

Daycare Owner Finds Out Husband Molested Her Daycare Kids, So She Shoots Him

Tatum Report:

A Maryland daycare owner is being held on domestic violence and guns charges after she discovered her husband was molesting children at her daycare.

Shanteari Weems, 50, shot her husband James Weems Jr., 57, on Thursday in Washington DC. He was already under investigation but the news reached his wife before authorities did. Her only regret? “I didn’t put the bullet in your head.”

The couple were staying in the Mandarin Oriental in Washington DC when Shanteari received texts messages from several daycare parents accusing her husband of sexually touching their children.

James was already under investigation for allegedly molesting three girls at Lil Kidz Kastle in Maryland, his wife’s daycare center. more

18 Comments on Daycare Owner Finds Out Husband Molested Her Daycare Kids, So She Shoots Him

  1. Good for her.

    Shoulda shot his crotch first tho, if she wasn’t going for the kill right away.

    And she screwed that part up too. They need dead. Nothing else will stop them.

    But that doesn’t mean you need to start with the kill shot, just be sure you get to it before the cops get to you.

    Because cops exist for pedophile protection now.

    See the FBI, Secret Service, and Capitol Hill Police for further details.

  2. Anonymous
    JULY 27, 2022 AT 11:28 AM
    “Her husband will soon be on one of Joe’s handlers payroll.”

    Are you kidding? A head wound, stupid, AND a pedophile?

    That’s a Democrat Presidential candidate right THERE!

  3. Yeah, so, um…

    What’s she doing leaving her husband alone with the kiddies that he was able to molest them? I think she knew and is throwing some major shade. It would have been more appropriate if she’d shot him in the kneecap.

  4. Her daycare is a pretty big business. It was shut down last month over a separate complaint of “child abuse” (caused by her husband). The day care’s website says max capacity is 89 children. That’s big bucks per month, and the woman had a $200K GoFundMe account (which has been taken down, apparently, by GFM) to pay her legal fees?

    I think she’s more upset that he ruined her busine$$. But what do I know, anyway?


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