Mark Zuckerberg ‘visibly frustrated’ Over Worker’s Vacation question: report – IOTW Report

Mark Zuckerberg ‘visibly frustrated’ Over Worker’s Vacation question: report

Mark Zuckerberg failed to conceal his annoyance with an employee who asked about vacation days during a meeting in which the Meta CEO revealed plans to cut underperforming workers, according to a report.

During a companywide Q&A meeting on June 30, the Facebook boss warned a recent market slump “might be one of the worst downturns that we’ve seen in recent history” as he explained the reasoning behind the cost cuts.

During the virtual session, Zuckerberg reportedly “appeared visibly frustrated” after one Chicago-based employee asked whether “Meta Days,” or extra time off introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, would continue in 2023.

“Um … all right,” Zuckerberg said after hearing the pre-recorded question, according to a recording obtained by The Verge. “Given my tone in the rest of the Q&A, you can probably imagine what my reaction to this is.” more here

10 Comments on Mark Zuckerberg ‘visibly frustrated’ Over Worker’s Vacation question: report

  1. “… Zuckerberg said after hearing the pre-recorded question …”

    So they have to submit questions for censorship like the press does for Biden?

    Maggots – they’re all maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We shouldn’t blame all millennials. It has to do with political affiliation with the left and their woke CRT LBGT BS. And no doubt Zuck has cleared out or silenced everyone that doesn’t fit that mold so he reaps the rewards of his libtard workforce.

  3. Several years ago I had a friend who had been out of work for a number of years. He was healthy and seemed kind of normal, but just couldn’t get and/or hold a job. He almost begged me to let him take care of some projects around my house, and suggested an hourly rate that he would be happy with. I agreed. At the end of his first day at work he asked me how much I was paying him per mile to drive to and from my house, and what kind of insurance plan I offered! Needless to say, our working arrangement didn’t last a week!

  4. Useful idiot is a person who propagandizes for a cause without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, and who is cynically used by the cause’s leaders.

    The booger eating morons are going to get what is coming to them, and hard. They have been inculcated with the preposterous notion that the cult leaders give the first flying fuck about them. They have outlived their usefulness to the cause and are no longer anything but a net liability.

    Fuck em.

  5. I know what it feels like. One minute you work in a fortune 500 company and the next moment they go out of business, only to be sold. Zuckerberg’s empire is crumbling. The employees are always the last to know.


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