Cats Classified As ‘invasive alien species’ By Scientific Institute – IOTW Report

Cats Classified As ‘invasive alien species’ By Scientific Institute



It’s been confirmed: Your cat is a troublemaker.

Respected scientific institute Polish Academy of Sciences (PASIFIC) has officially classified cats as an “invasive alien species,” according to the Associated Press.

The study, headed by PASIFIC biologist Wojciech Solarz, found that the damage that cats cause in terms of hunting and killing birds and other wildlife was enough justification to consider the animals invasive.

The “Felis catus” species, otherwise known as the house cat, was entered into a national database powered by the academy’s Institute of Nature Conservation — which holds 1,786 other species — and it heard no objection to that.

But the public reportedly responded to this new entry with sheer disapproval. more

34 Comments on Cats Classified As ‘invasive alien species’ By Scientific Institute

  1. My 10-year-old yellow male tabby Finn more than holds his own against the other invasive species that try and invade his home. Mice don’t stand a chance and the squirrel that somehow got into my house once was lucky before we shooed him out the door before Finn got to it. He doesn’t like spiders either which my daughter hates more than she does mice. How come they’re not talking about all the dangerous, invasive illegal beaners who are coming across the Southern border who do far more damage than cats ever will? I know political correctness, fuck the left.

  2. Newsflash to the useless Soience agencies.
    Animals were created first.
    If anything, “scientists” are the invasive species.
    Lord knows that feckless idiots that claim scientific standing, have been invading my life the last 2 1/2 years.

  3. If cats are invasive what the hell are humans??? Not much they haven’t trampled, killed or destroyed. Better look in the mirror and back in history. Let me guess they get a pass.

  4. ‘A German Shepherd, Doberman And Cat Have Died And Gone To Heaven
    November 02, 2018

    A German Shepherd, Doberman and a cat have died.

    All three are faced with God who wants to know what they believe in.

    The German shepherd says: “I believe in discipline training and loyalty to my master.”

    “Good,” says God. “Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?”

    The Doberman answers: “I believe in the love, care and protection of my master.”

    Ah,” said God. “You may sit to my left.”

    Then he looks at the cat and asks, “And what do you believe in?”

    The cat answers: “I believe you’re sitting in my seat.”‘

  5. @ Understanding Cats
    Perfection! Thank you.

    We lost our Samson cat this morning to intestinal lymphoma. I have zero tolerance for a POS masquerading as a legitimate scientist. Samson had more intrinsic value and brains than this (expletive deleted).

  6. We got a crazy, tiny cat from the shelter. We named him Nick because he was a tuxedo kitty and had a suave demeanor like Nick Charles. He never got bigger than the day we adopted him. He had the most wonderfully shiny, black fur which felt as soft as a beaver’s. I’ve never had a cat of his size — about 8 pounds — who behaved as though he weighed 80 pounds and was straight off the Serengeti. Over the years Nicky brought every kind of critter into the house, including a live possum and a live flicker (you know how big those are!). He caught and ate moles, rats, mice. . .and sadly, birdies, too. If there was ever a ruckus being made, Nick headed straight for the action. He was truly lion-hearted.


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