Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer Strike a Deal, $370 Billion for Green New Deal Energy Transition, Tax Increases to Pay for it and More IRS Agents – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer Strike a Deal, $370 Billion for Green New Deal Energy Transition, Tax Increases to Pay for it and More IRS Agents

CTH: Two weeks ago, CTH warned everyone that Joe Manchin’s torpedoing of the $500 billion Green New Deal senate spending program was a head fake; he was always going to sign up to expand the control of the federal government over energy use.  Today Manchin and Chuck Schumer made it official.

The people operating the “energy transition” levers will get $370 billion to spend on bigger windmills, more solar panels and new energy programs to eliminate coal, oil and natural gas.  They will pay for it by raising taxes and hiring a new army of IRS enforcement officials.  In exchange for his vote, the federal government will pay increased health insurance subsidies for West Virginians and pass out lower priced medications.

There you go. Exactly as predicted.  Energy inflation will continue as the energy transition becomes a permanent feature.  Ironically, Joe Manchin made them change the name to “The Inflation Reduction Act,” and pushed the effective dates for all renewals past the 2024 election (where he plans to be a candidate against Gavin Newsom). more

24 Comments on Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer Strike a Deal, $370 Billion for Green New Deal Energy Transition, Tax Increases to Pay for it and More IRS Agents

  1. “agree on a price”
    And how much for my interests.
    Nationalizing the power grid will be in their someplace. So they can decide who is worthy of electricity.
    Might be why Obama’s needed 2500 gal of propane.

  2. I guess that makes it 535 traitors, unless Sinema stays off the bus. And maybe add 3 or 4 SCOTUS justices to the tally.

    Where’s the SMOD or the N bomb when liberty needs them so desperately?

  3. This makes me want to weep for my country. Each & every move these sorry ass politicians make is good for them & bad for real Americans. When wiil they be stopped?? Where are the good guys?? There are so many more of us than them–why can’t we stop this trainwreck?? We are letting them do whatever they want without any consequence. I really don’t understand how this can be happening.

  4. Manchin has a long history of doing this.
    He holds out until he gets his price.
    He’s as much of a con as the rest of his party.
    This is more in the effort to kill the middle class.

  5. Marian, this happens because useful idiots keep voting for them because they get a little piece of the pie.
    Who cares if the coal plants in West Virginia are closed for green energy. They get more Obamacare.
    And the whole system is corrupt and won’t be changed because they are all in on it

    Political whores who just haggle about price

  6. This is so typical of DC. There is ample evidence that the same green “ideas” implemented in Western Europe, especially Germany, have completely fucked those countries, and, yet, just like with the North American Union, these stupid, worthless, corrupt fucks keep pushing us down a path that anybody living in reality KNOWS will be an awful failure.

    The Red states need to cordon their states off from DC influence, or we’ll all get screwed irreversibly.

  7. Joe may be a coward and a traitor; but he’s a RICH cowardly traitor!
    (and he’s never done an honest day of work in his life)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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