The 42 Policy Proposals Donald Trump Outlined at America First Summit in D.C. – IOTW Report

The 42 Policy Proposals Donald Trump Outlined at America First Summit in D.C.

Breitbart: Former President Donald J. Trump laid out 42 policy proposals at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) summit Tuesday, where he gave his first speech in Washington, DC, since leaving office. 

Prepared remarks circulated by the Trump team show the 45th president’s proposals on an array of topics, including the Second Amendment, border security, education, energy, and election integrity, but a central focus of his policy proposal addresses law and order. 

  1. The prepared remarks first emphasized the importance of supporting police departments throughout the country and fostering a culture that respects law enforcement. “We have to give our police back their authority, resources, power, and prestige. Leave our police alone. Let them do their job. Give them back their RESPECT. They know what to do. We have to allow them to do it,” Trump’s plan said. 
  2. On top of giving officers the tools they need to succeed, Trump’s policy proposal called for the restitution of “stop-and-frisk policies in cities,” adding that it is imperative guns are taken from criminals. “If you are a convicted felon and you have a gun, you’re off the streets,” the proposal asserts. 
  3. Trump also proposed strengthening “qualified immunity and other protections for our police officers.”
  4. He further called on the next set of Washington, DC, lawmakers, who take office in January, to make emergency funds available for the hiring of police officers across the nation, as many departments face staffing issues. “We need the largest increase in the hiring of police officers in American HISTORY——to get more police on the streets than EVER before, walking every beat,” the prepared remarks said.
  5. The 45th president also advocated for a joint violence crime task force headed by both the Department and Justice and the Department of Homeland Security, which would focus on “destroying” gang organizations and imposing “severe penalties.”
  6. With the nationwide drug epidemic that is claiming the lives of Americans on daily basis, Trump’s plan would crack down on drug “dealers, traffickers, and narco-terrorists,” and emphasizes that traffickers should “receive the death penalty.”
  7. As lax bail laws and soft-on-crime policies have proceeded lawlessness in many states and metro areas, Trump asserted that the federal government intervenes when “Radical Democrat politicians” will not: 
    • If Radical Democrat politicians at the state and local level REFUSE to protect public safety and instead turn criminals loose to prey upon the innocent, then the federal government will have NO CHOICE but to step in. Under these circumstances, the federal government has not just a right, but a DUTY, to use every tool, authority, and Constitutional power at its disposal to defend our citizens.
  8. The 45th President’s plan calls out the chaos of cashless bail policies and highlighted the moment that Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), the Republican nominee for governor in New York, was attacked at a campaign rally, and hours later, his accused attacker was set free back on the streets.  The rest are here

13 Comments on The 42 Policy Proposals Donald Trump Outlined at America First Summit in D.C.

  1. Regarding his points on law and order, he’s got it backward. The answer is not to give them back their respect (which they lost by their own actions), to give them more qualified immunity (which they abuse with impunity), or to spend even more federal tax dollars to hire more cops (which the onus is on the individual cities to hire what cops they can afford)but to put some teeth in the actual laws on the books.

    Emptying the jails, no-cash bail, and not putting the caught criminals in prison is the exact opposite of what a country does that values the rule of law. Fire all the DA’s that won’t do their job, punish the bad guys that do our society harm, and show cops respect by honoring the arrest reports they write and try those cases in a court of law.

  2. “ Fire all the DA’s that won’t do their job,”

    Impossible. That’s up to the county or municipality that voted them in in the first place.
    DJT’s strong points have aways been economic and foreign policies. He’s spot on. As far as law and order, I can’t help wondering if traditional LE is obsolete. I think nation wide reciprocity might be more of a value and result in a larger impact.

  3. I agree with Rich’s points, but Brad is right, at least the first few items are not under federal purview. That doesn’t mean Trump shouldn’t comment on them, but what we really need right now is less federal overreach. Trump was doing pretty well with that during his first term – and key to remember is that you never know when we will have an administration that cares more about controlling people than about ensuring their liberty.

  4. “That’s up to the county or municipality that voted them in in the first place.”

    Which were exactly the folks I had in mind to do the firing. Shouldn’t be that hard considering that just about everyone is fed up with our unsafe streets and recalcitrant law officials.

    But more in the top executive’s wheelhouse, there are a couple of thousand federal cops under the DOJ, clean house at the upper echelons, no more using the top LE organizations as political arms of any party.

  5. “Which were exactly the folks I had in mind to do the firing”

    Like Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, etc, etc. That won’t happen. L.A. might due to Villanueva. I am impressed with the guy.
    The big problem with not charging criminals, with early release, with letting criminals flow freely over our border is the cops always get there after the fact. And they all roam freely, even to my hood. You can keep your cops, I’ll just keep my gun, thank you.

  6. “… you never know when we will have an administration that cares more about controlling people than about ensuring their liberty.”

    the only President that has fit that definition of ‘ensuring their liberty’ since Reagan is Trump … & only a person honest enough to understand the unique situation of the creation of the United States would agree

    it is disheartening to realize that the power in this country is not, & has not, been controlled by ‘the people’ since at least 1913

  7. Yeah, L.A. County Board is trying to get rid of Villanueva BECAUSE he is doing a pretty decent job. Keep in mind that he still had to be a Democrat just to get elected.
    Basically any liberal hotspot is going to treat their police like garbage and let criminals walk free. Why I left CA – and a part of why I am leaving Colorado now.

  8. Cops aren’t going away, we should try to make them proficient and accountable.

    LCD, where are you moving to? My plan was to spend August driving all over Idaho and check it out but with the price of gas, I’m doing most of my research online.

    With all the usual complaints about California, what will probably end up killing it is no water. This is really serious.

  9. @Rich – Charleston! While there are a lot of reasons, I grew up at the beach and the pull of the ocean is a great one. First day I am there I plan to buy a new SUP board and hit the water.
    I have been in Boulder, CO for nearly two years. Of course the covid lockdowns helped make for a mediocre experience here, and there is a lot of beauty and lots of activities here, but I am eager for a little more conservative population as well as the coast.

  10. LCD, great choice. I looked at SC briefly but I don’t think I could get the wife to move that far since she still has family here. With my luck as soon as I moved there some hurricane would wash me out to sea.

  11. In my opinion, some of his law and order proposals are misguided. He wants to use federal resources to rescue the democrat-run cities from the idiots that were elected to run them. Screw that. I don’t want a dime of my taxes going to pay for cops in Seattle or Portland.


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