Nolte: Hunter Biden Stiffed Female Assistant To ‘Pay the Porsche’ – IOTW Report

Nolte: Hunter Biden Stiffed Female Assistant To ‘Pay the Porsche’


Far-left CNN has decided that some of the stuff on Hunter Biden’s laptop just may be real, including the First Son prioritizing holding onto a Porsche over paying his female assistant’s salary.

CNN (a left-wing propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence) required four so-called reporters to reveal all that stuff that’s right there on Hunter’s laptop, and here’s the headline they came up with: “Hunter Biden had a high-end income and lavish lifestyle. But he struggled with tax issues for years.”

Yeah, well, that’s only news if you’ve either been asleep for more than a year or are dumb enough to trust the same corporate media that’s been covering up this news for more than a year.

I found two things hilarious about this CNNLOL report…

The first is that even with four crack journalizing professionals on the case, CNN could only verify the stuff we already knew about Hunter’s lavish lifestyle and tax problems. Oddly enough, this crack team could not verify the reams of laptop material showing just how corrupt His Fraudulency Joe Biden is.

The second howler is how Hunter screwed his female assistant out of a paycheck but made sure to cover a Porsche payment: more here

7 Comments on Nolte: Hunter Biden Stiffed Female Assistant To ‘Pay the Porsche’

  1. @Jethro ~ you’ve just described the whole Biden Crime Family

    … & the Clinton Crime Family, the Obama Crime Family, the Gore Crime Empire, the Pelosi Crime Family, the Romney Crime Family, Cuomo Crime Family, Bush Crime Family, Cheney Crime Family, Joe Kennedy Crime Family, LBJ Crime Empire, Daley Crime Family, Pritzker Crime Family … & on & on & on & on, throughout our government ‘of the People’ …

    long past time to clean house … time to call ‘Got Junk?’

    ‘eff that … call ‘Got Demolition Crew?’

  2. Under the comments of the Breitbart article, someone commented that they wished Hunter would catch Monkeypox, to which someone replied “there are a few monkeys with Hunterpox.”


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