ID Cards For Illegal Aliens Is an Idea as Bad as It Sounds – IOTW Report

ID Cards For Illegal Aliens Is an Idea as Bad as It Sounds

American Greatness

For the anti-borders Left, one of its most successful tactics has been to boil the frog slowly. Abetted by policymakers and the press, the movement has slowly but steadily altered our language, culture, and government policy toward the bleak destination of a borderless, lawless America. Most Americans, focused largely on paying their bills and raising their kids, have barely noticed the changes.

Say . . . is it getting warmer in here? 

As a matter of fact, yes. The Biden Administration is increasing the temperature with its reported plans to issue identification cards to illegal aliens who are awaiting final decisions in their asylum and deportation cases. The rationale for the new program is cloaked predictably in faux compassion for “victims” of previous government policies. In reality, it’s another step toward transforming the country into something that few Americans would ever support if given the opportunity to vote. The frog is starting to cook.

White House apparatchiks can cite with wonky, swamp-dwelling acumen all the reasons why ID cards for illegals make sense. Recipients could use the cards to more easily access public services, including food stamps, healthcare, and transportation. Proponents also argue that ID cards would allow for easier communication between illegal aliens and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) until the court process plays out.

Here’s how the frog gets boiled. Those hearing this argument may be so transfixed by supposed humanitarian concerns that they never ask the obvious: Why are we allowing people in the country illegally to remain at all, let alone facilitating their stay with privileges and taxpayer-funded benefits? more here

7 Comments on ID Cards For Illegal Aliens Is an Idea as Bad as It Sounds

  1. In the past, I have been fine with illegals having valid driver licenses, as long as driver licenses are only used as permission to legally drive a vehicle. The problem is that a driver license (with a Social Security number, which is required to obtain a driver license, and some states will print it on the license) are now the de facto national ID (and domestic passport) that many are so paranoid about. The driver license is the pass to live as a full citizen with all the rights and privileges, no questions asked (as mandated by activist judges).

    The ever increasing overreach by open borders activists, politicians, judges and bureaucrats has caused me to suspend any wiggle room I may have had on the subject. We may well welcome in as many illegals — just this year — as were eligible under the first amnesty in the Reagan Administration.

    Few of the rules in that immigration reform legislation have been seriously implemented by the deep state. It simply set the precedent for additional rounds of amnesty and resulted in significantly increased family, rather than only worker, immigration.

    We don’t need new immigration laws. We need enforcement — rigorous enforcement.

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