Texas GOP Rep. Mayra Flores Runs Away, Says it’s ‘Not Okay’ to Question Her Amnesty Vote – IOTW Report

Texas GOP Rep. Mayra Flores Runs Away, Says it’s ‘Not Okay’ to Question Her Amnesty Vote

National File: Mexican-born Texas GOP Representative Mayra Flores, whose recent special election victory in a historically blue border district has been heavily touted by the GOP establishment, voted to give amnesty to hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals, supporting a Democrat amendment to sneak a visa giveaway into this year’s National Defense Authorization Act. When confronted on video over her vote, Flores ran away as others called for the cameraman to be escorted out of the building, accusing him of being a “white nationalist” for questioning her vote.

Texas Rep. Mayra Flores joined 61 other GOP members of Congress in crossing party lines to vote with Democrats on adding amnesty provisions to the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Under the amnesty amendment, extended visas will be issued to the adult children of Indian tech workers who take high-paying corporate jobs from Americans in exchange for green cards and lower wages. Under current laws, those workers can get visas for their children who are under the age of 21, but they must return to their home nation after reaching adulthood. If they refuse, they become an illegal alien.

Under the Democrat amendment supported by Flores and 61 other GOP’ers, those adult children will be granted new visas, and the ability to remain in the United States with a potential pathway to citizenship, delivering the benefits of both amnesty and chain migration to a group some are calling “documented dreamers.”

Though Flores has publicly denied that the amendment constitutes amnesty, immigration watchdog group NumbersUSA refuted her talking points, with Policy Director Rosemary Jenks telling Breitbart that the “whole point” of the amendment is to give the foreign tech workers’ adult children a legal “status that they don’t deserve before they become illegal.” more here

20 Comments on Texas GOP Rep. Mayra Flores Runs Away, Says it’s ‘Not Okay’ to Question Her Amnesty Vote

  1. Not discounting the fact that Flores is a coward and is either ashamed of her vote or not smart enough to defend it, if the rules are going to be bent, I would prefer educated Indian tech workers(and their families) get the grease and not the thousands of south of the border migrants who are unskilled, ignorant of our laws and culture, and will be an immediate drain of our resources.

    These skilled workers targeted in this bill will not only be a net benefit but they are the type of families that we want with a built-in work ethic that values education, family cohesion, and honor to a moral fabric that values an appreciation for the American dream.

  2. “Under the Democrat amendment supported by Flores and 61 other GOP’ers…”

    62 RINOs voted for this?? What the hell is Kevin McCarthy good for? And this useless turd thinks he’s going to be speaker in January?

  3. P.S. Where are the praisers now showing that a “rhino” took the Dims seat that’s been Democrat for years and years? There’s always a recall if Texas chooses to do it – but they won’t.

  4. Didn’t it take two (2) rePUBLIcant’s……
    to push the “Assault Weapons Ban”……
    across the finish line in the House this week…..????

    Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and Chris Jacobs (R-N.Y.)…..

    rePUBLIcant’s are just the controlled opposition in this kabuki theater……they never successfully pass anything or block anything for OUR interests…..it’s all about them.

  5. Americans cheer to be ruled by (yet) a(nother) foreigner.

    Then get all pouty when ruled by foreigners.

    And foreigners should concern themselves with Americans… why?

  6. Just following the leadership (?) of the GOP House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy.
    You dance with who brought you to the Dance and who will fund your House campaign.


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