Did You Get $8,000 From Joe Biden? – IOTW Report

Did You Get $8,000 From Joe Biden?

PJM: In the administration’s haste to put out a “this is not a recession” message, they rolled out the recently COVID-19-recovered President Biden. Many COVID patients report residual brain fog, and it may be the virus that made Biden’s foggier than usual. During a discussion with his economic advisors, he essentially called Americans ignorant for not understanding all the Biden administration has done for them and treating us like ingrates for not appreciating the handouts we received.

Biden taking credit for keeping teachers on the job and schools open was pretty galling. But it only got worse. In response to one question, Biden said he takes consumer confidence in the economy very seriously. Then he pivoted. “There’s reason to be down, but I started thinking about it. And Brian, you and I were talking about it just a little bit. The first year, we were able with the rescue plan, we were able to send them a check for eight grand,” he said. “I mean a check. Beyond that, by the way, there was more than that.”

It appears Biden is talking about the American Rescue Plan. The legislation was passed in early March 2021 and helped fire up America’s current inflationary conditions. The bill provided Economic Impact Payments of up to $1,400 for eligible individuals or $2,800 for married couples filing jointly, plus $1,400 for each qualifying dependent. So a married couple with four dependents or a single parent with five would have received $8,400.

Anyone else received less than $8,000. In 2021, 4.79 million families had three or more children under 18. By contrast, over 50 million households have no children, and 14.2 million have just one. Only a fraction of U.S. households were eligible for a stimulus check under the American Rescue Plan in the ballpark of the number Biden threw out. more

21 Comments on Did You Get $8,000 From Joe Biden?

  1. @Slow boat to China:

    And after the postal workers deliver the unmarked and fraudulent ballots they will get right on delivering your check! In the mean time wear a mask, social distance at least 6 feet and get the 5th booster shot!

  2. Looking at MY data, it looks more like I’ll have to send the government a check for an additional $8,000.

    And I will still owe much more….even beyond the grave.

  3. My God, how much this country has changed. In ’72, McGovern promised $1000 to everyone. He was buried in the election. Adjusting for inflation, that would be $7,088.78 in 2022. Not that far off.

  4. That $8,000 check is pure fantasy, Joey.

    What I would have done with it is pure fantasy, too: I’d have found some illegal source of plastic explosives and detonators, and I would have BLOWN SOME SERIOUS GOVT SHIT UP.

    Monitors: kindly please note that the above is, to repeat, FANTASY. If I had gotten that check I would have donated it to Ron DeSantis and Greg Steube, and maybe a little to Ricky and Little Marco.

  5. Joe Biden is a longtime known compulsive liar and will lie about anything to make himself look like some ‘hero’. He also lied about having ‘covid19’, rolled back out by his puppetmasters, then again claimed to be tested positive for the illness to be once again kicked into the cellar. If anyone looks back to the past few months, several fraudulent politicians have made the same claim, all for the purposes of attempting another lockdowen, masks, and pushing fake pharma’s toxic poison vaxx. As these polluted pols have done so, it was evident they were gearing up for somethin-somethin as Biden also has recently started up again with his bullshhhhyt game of “vaxx” and “masks”. All bold-faced lies. Don’t believe any of it. Laughably, Biden also claims that “we made good n95 masks for everyone”. NO “we” did not. Any and all proven ineffective masks are NOT made in the USA but by the ChiComs. The term “distributed for” is not the same as “made in”. The ChiComs falsely slap labels onto their exported shipping boxes displaying “made in the USA” when they’re actually made in the ChiCom’s slave and labor farms-factories.

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