House Republicans launch probe into COVID nursing home deaths – IOTW Report

House Republicans launch probe into COVID nursing home deaths


Republicans on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis and the House Oversight Committee have joined forces in an investigation over the thousands of nursing home deaths in New York state during COVID, saying New York Democrats ignored previous inquiries.

The controversy began in 2020 when thousands of New York nursing home residents died during the pandemic, drawing extra scrutiny to then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s policy of sending elderly patients recovering from COVID-19 into nursing homes.

Afterward, Cuomo came under fire over allegations that he intentionally hid nursing home deaths. New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli released an audit earlier this year saying New York’s Health Department “failed to account for more than approximately 4,100 lives in nursing homes due to COVID-19.”

“While the Department’s duty is to act solely to promote public health, we determined that, rather than providing accurate and reliable information during a public health emergency, the Department instead conformed its presentation to the Executive’s narrative, often presenting data in a manner that misled the public,” the audit said.

Lawmakers sent a letter to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul demanding records of key information, including how many total deaths there were and what directives were issued by the governor’s office “regarding hospital discharges to nursing homes or any and all other types of assisted living facilities…” more

8 Comments on House Republicans launch probe into COVID nursing home deaths

  1. Cuomo was in collusion with Hochul, de Blasio, NYC Dept of Health, Dept of Vital Records, AG Letitia James, NYC Medical Examiner, and vitalcheckdotcom (certificate processor linked to DoH). Add that Cuo, and conspirators did so for selg-gain regarding federal covid funds and Cuomo’s lining up dead bodies along the Brooklyn waterfront as a “warning” to NYers who would expose his misdeeds and that of Hochul et al. NY’s assisted living facilities and hospices should also be investigated regarding criminal activities committed by Cuomo and the rest.

  2. It’s an election year. Time to pull the “we give a shit” farce out of storage and give it a good polishing.

    Oooh, look at those Republicans going after those Democrats.

    They make it easy for some to forget that they feed at the same trough.

  3. The investigation is scheduled to last until the Statute of Linitations expires or everyone involved dies of natural causes, whichever comes first. There will be many bombshells hinted at and strongly worded letters written, but everything they do will be ignored and any witnesses they call will not show, and their Contempt of Congress punishment will be as severe as Eric Holder’s. Should they happen to produce a criminal referral, they can be sure the Democrat prosecutor will decline to act on it.

    Thanks for playing tho.

    “We’ll get ’em next time”.


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