Harris Loses Another High-Profile Staffer Amid Mass Exodus – IOTW Report

Harris Loses Another High-Profile Staffer Amid Mass Exodus

7 Comments on Harris Loses Another High-Profile Staffer Amid Mass Exodus

  1. Think of it: Your BA was in some general politics and either you got an internship or you went on to get a MA in some kind of politics and now you made it to the big leagues and you are working for the ViP. Not just any Joe Biden or Walter Mondale ViP but the first Woman ViP in history. Add on top of that your devotion to the Party must be up there- I mean you are not some wishy/washy part time Democrat on some issues and conservative on other issues. You have to be 100% all in as is you have to actually believe that if the Olympian who won gold medals in the male competition say he is a chick (a chick with a dick mind you) then just as 2 negative quarters of GDP growth is NOT a recession Bruce Jenner is a woman. Play your cards right in 8 years you will be working for the POTUS or be on your way to a Phd at Harvard or Yale program or getting a teaching job at Harvard or Yale or getting the big bucks at MSNBC aaaaaaaaaaaaand you quit your job not even 2 years into the gig?!?

    She must be the worst person any of them have ever encountered in their lives. These people are walking away from their dream job- I can’t even begin to imagine how wretched of a person she must be. What does that say about the people who are sticking around. They must be proto Himmlers & Stalins just waiting for their time to grasp some power.

  2. I should add female interns were not quitting Bill Clinton’s office at the rate Harris is losing personnel and we all know that was a toxic work environment it was for female interns working for Bill Clinton. She must be the worst person in the world to work for.

  3. Incompetent female bosses are the worst. The ones who get placed due to affirmative action or feminist equality agendas become the biggest backstabbing asses. It’s always someone else’s fault when they don’t succeed. Look at Hillary Clinton for example. She was the queen of the Democrat stable of women. As Secretary of State, she was a huge fuck up. She blamed Benghazi on protestors who just happen to come along. Kamala, like Joe, cannot even put a single cohesive sentence together.

  4. Who is going to be out first Kamala or Biden? If they take out Kamala they can put in whoever they want who would then become POTUS after Biden goes. Staff wouldn’t be fleeing her if they thought she was moving on up.

  5. Harris goes to the doctor: “Doc, I think I’ve been cured of my genital herpes”. The doc does a bunch of tests, and sure enough she has no more herpes. “I’ve been cured” she triumphantly declares. The doc replies “Not exactly, the herpes got so disgusted, it left on it’s own volition”.


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