Bannon Slams Dick Cheney And His ‘Demon Seed’ – IOTW Report

Bannon Slams Dick Cheney And His ‘Demon Seed’

Newsweak: Steve Bannon has hit out at Dick Cheney and his “demon seed” daughter, Wyoming rep. Liz Cheney, after the former vice president called Donald Trump the greatest “threat to our republic” in its history.

Bannon, a former White House adviser, was reacting to the campaign ad released by Dick Cheney attacking Trump over his false claims that the 2020 Election was rigged and calling him a “coward.”

Posting on Gettr, Bannon accused the man who was VP under George W. Bush of being a “war criminal”—in reference to his role in the Iraq War and claims at that time that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction—while suggesting his daughter will lose her upcoming primary. more

13 Comments on Bannon Slams Dick Cheney And His ‘Demon Seed’

  1. Enough, I’ve simply have had enough of navigating through this maze of gross ads and scrolling and jumping from page to page and being misdirected and the incessant pop-ups. Be seeing ya, hasta Luego! I know no one will give a crap but I just had to vent on just how insanely user-unfriendly this site is. After so many years, I’m done with it!

  2. I saw Dick, I repeat Dick, Cheney’s despicable ad.
    He looks embalmed and what he said makes me hope that Mooch oBola sodomized him raw.
    (since Cheney seems to OK with 8 yrs of Barki’s reign of destroying this nation, to attack Trump)

    Are these Cheneys fighting to defend the US Constitution, or some UN sham?

  3. “…Dick Cheney attacking Trump over his false claims that the 2020 Election was rigged…”

    Every single time the MSM mentions anything to do with President Trump or any of his supporters, the ALWAYS add that little phrase or similar words. The are wearing out The Big Lie.

  4. What’s not mentioned by MSM and their no-brain zombie horde is the fact that some years back NO-DICK CHENEY had a coupla beers, then went out to hunt after drinking alcohol and shot his hunting pal in the face with birdshot. Add that NO-DICK also didn’t have a legit stamp to hunt game birds.

  5. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this already, but I love the new “pissed off” avatars.

    @Figlio, the spam and ads are a resident evil especially on a website that allows a decent amount of anonymity, and not for nothing it comes with a price.

    I send BFH a monthly stipend and use a brutal ad blocker. No freedom is free.

  6. I use Brave as my main browser. It a has build in ad blocker. I’m no IT guy but complaining about pop-ups when such an easy solution is available is stupid.

    It has a counter in the upper left corner of the of the number of trackers and pop ups it’s blocked. Since I installed it on my new MacBook about 4 months ago, that number is over 300,000.

  7. “Bannon Slams Dick”

    We have a whole subcategory for that particular kink.

    He should call us when his current gig fizzles.

    Not as popular as the child porn offerings in DC, but he’ll get clicks.

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