Bill Maher — We have a problem with fat people – IOTW Report

Bill Maher — We have a problem with fat people

Changing science so fat people won’t get offended.

28 Comments on Bill Maher — We have a problem with fat people

  1. …I’m not going to piss on the parade of fat jokes sure to follow, and yes there are some fat people who are fat from gluttony and some orcas that just need to put the fork down, but keep in mind that there are people with legit metabolic and even genetic problems that make it extremely difficult even in early childhood to keep their weight down, and that some have to struggle MUCH harder than others just to avoid lethal consequences.

    “Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is the most common known genetic cause of life-threatening obesity in children. Although the cause is complex, it results from an abnormality on the 15th chromosome. It occurrs in males and females equally and in all races. ”

    Third Phase

    “(Median age of onset is 8.0 years and lasts into adulthood) is the development of an insatiable appetite/drive to eat, accompanied by intense or relentless food-seeking. This is the classic phase most people typically associate with PWS, but its onset is actually quite variable in PWS. It may appear as early as 3 years of age or as late as 15 years of age. This phase can be managed by the presence of appropriate environmental interventions (usually including locked food access) and psychological food security.”

    …I have a niece who suffers from a variant of this. she’s diabetic, going blind, not mentally all there and has been that way her whole life. In early childhood it was a struggle just to get her to understand she could die if her food wasn’t tightly controlled, she did not have the intellectual capacity to understand and her body made her feel like she was starving ALL. THE. TIME.

    …that girl is now in her mid-20s thanks to SEVERE restrictions her parents placed on her food and controls such as locks and simply not keeping much in the house, and has not only been brought to an understanding of it but has also become a productive member of society, taking the bus to her full time job every day and back, paying taxes, and taking care of business in a way that many fit young adults of “normal” mental capacity can’t be bothered to do. She still struggles with weight but she has won the battle so far.

    Don’t assume you know anything about a person just because of their body size. Aesthetics is a poor way to judge another human being’s worth.

  2. Gotta smh 🤦‍♀️ at his audience that cheers his spot on commentary when they are the ones who promote “body positivity”. Such a lack of self-awareness is the hallmark every progressive principle.

  3. A Nation of Lard Bicuits, men and women of all ages. It’s repugnant to my eyesight and it’s HUGE burden on our medical system. These disgusting fat fuck gluttons who shovel all manner of crap into their fat ass bodies, never bothering with vigorous exercises to burn that shit off. Repugnant and shameful.

  4. TRF
    AUGUST 7, 2022 AT 10:05 AM
    “SNS – I would wager that the overwhelming preponderance of fat people are just gluttons.”

    …and I do not deny that. My sole point is that there is a validity in not judging people by their appearance only, because it won’t take very long for a nasty bastard to reveal his internal ugly by other means, while dismissing the larger sized folks may cause you to miss some of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet.

    It goes the other way, too. Hot bodied people tend to be vainglorious and self-absorbed. Is that better? A thin person may be thin only due to cancer. Is that worse?

    …give folks a chance. A person’s soul is not his body, and quality of one is not necessarily a statement on the other.

    And never forget that you yourself may cross the Fat Event Horizon if life lets you live long enough for your metabolism to slow and your joints make excercise too painful. Just bear in mind that time makes fools of us all, so let the Golden Rule be your guide.

  5. I’m a fat guy because I eat more than I burn. PERIOD.

    Don’t believe it? Try the German diet – force march 30 miles a day while only consuming half a slice of sawdust bread each day, for 30 days.
    I guaran-fukkin-tee you’ll lose all that fat – regardless of your genetics, your pre-disposition, your metabolism, or whatever.

    Food goes in – some is converted to energy – some is stored as fat (fatty acids and water – water is heavy, by the way) – shit comes out.
    Whatever isn’t converted into energy is stored as fat – the excreta is the stuff we can’t digest (I assume) or can’t be converted to energy or stored as fat.

    That’s it – IN and OUT – as energy, excreta, or fat.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I remember at my job in the 90’s women started taking Fen Phen and a lot of them started having heart issues. Then they went to the gastro bi -pass ( I know I didnt spell it right) and some lost weight at the time but now they are big as ever.

  7. “ Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is the most common known genetic ”
    And very rare. The only thing that keeps that statement from being complete BS is the word “ Genetic”

    Thyroid desease is by far the most common “legit” reason for being a fatty. And even that can be controlled

  8. I was desperate for a late morning coffee the other day, so I turned toward the Starbux in the local Kroger (no lectures please, I do that about twice a year). Anyway, as I was walking up, I was congratulating myself on there being NO line. But before that thought could exit my head, the FAT family hurriedly waddled in: Daddy fat, mama fat and two chubby junior fats. I hung around just long enough to hear the order which I estimate totaled about 3500+ calories for the drinks and snax combined. After that, they were probably stopping somewhere for lunch.

    At least they saved me from Starbux.

  9. The problem isn’t always the calories in ingest, but it’s always the calories you fail to burn. This can be well illustrated by the heavily obese woman on the riding shopping cart with the basket full of ice cream.

  10. No amount of calorie restrictions or exercise are going to result in lasting weight/inches loss.

    A low carbohydrate diet coupled with intermittent fasting (IF) will. A calorie is not a calorie; it depends on its source. Protein, fat, and carbohydrates are metabolized differently. Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and thyroid deficiencies can all be treated successfully by a proper human diet. Adherence to the standard american diet (SAD).

    THE SAD results in obesity. It’s almost like our gubmint wants us all to be fat, lethargic turds.

    Refer to Dr. Eric Westman’s work at Duke University.

  11. The kind of food one eats is important. On a keto regimen I could eat as much butter, cream, eggs and cheese (not to mention all the ‘good’ fats) I wanted and shed all the extra weight very quickly. It’s satiety. Carbs only fill me up for a short while and then I’m hungry again. On a low carb (not no carb) diet, I wasn’t hungry until a full 24 hours later. I suspect may obese and overweight people are addicted to carbs because carbs are addicting. Ive never been obese but Ive definitely been overweight. I do feel sorry for those who plan their day around their next snack or meal.


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