They’re So Desperate – IOTW Report

They’re So Desperate

Salty Cracker is on the case: Biden Has FBI Raid Trump’s House In Desperate Bid To Stop His 2024 Run.

12 Comments on They’re So Desperate

  1. I think they’re trying to incite violence from us. Don’t fall for it, this will turn out to be a big nothing-burger if we don’t. It will turn out to be a huge overreaction to a tiny infraction (like maybe a ‘possible building code violation’ or something along those lines). The dems will end up showing themselves to be the evil fools that they truly are if we just let it happen.

  2. At Joe’s next appearance with epaulets & gold chain on his shoulders, a chest full of medals and a Maduro style topper, a mumbling rant about his brave FBI Agents would be most appropriate.

  3. Glaringly obvious and hilarious is the fact that Democrats are overwhelmingly fearful, paraniod, desperately sweating, terrified, and afraid of their own shadows. BOO! LOLOL

  4. Watch to see how many Republicans speak out against this. That hand with the finger you lost in the lawn mower accident should be adequate.

    An overwhelming number of Republicans are fearful, paranoid and sweating profusely too. The uniparty is in panic mode.

  5. There is fear and loathing in Biden’s Banana Republic.
    Trump needs to push their buttons even more now. I think I’ll make a donation to Trump now.

  6. MMinWA – The epaulets, gold chain, a chest full of medals and a Maduro style topper are hand-me-downs from his boss the Great and Powerful Øbamboozler (spit).

    Speaking of… I don’t expect to hear even a peep about this bullshit from him as he is too busy leading from behind (the scenes)

    Welcome to the flaming city on the hill and the Third World Mugging and Thugging of America!
    Expect worse!

  7. This is a fucking disgrace. They have a loony plan to perp walk Trump before the election, and they’re literally going to conjure up a reason to do it out of thin fucking air. At this point, if anyone even admitted to me that they were a democrat, I treat them like total shit. Fuck these goddamn demons. They are total turd world banana republic filth.


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