Former Dem Megadonor Says COVID vax killed ‘hundreds of thousands of Americans’ – IOTW Report

Former Dem Megadonor Says COVID vax killed ‘hundreds of thousands of Americans’


Leftist media outlets imploded over a former Democratic megadonor who appeared on Fox News Wednesday claiming that COVID vaccines have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and injured millions more.

As subjects such as the unprecedented raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, crushing inflation, and Democrats’ gluttonous spending have overshadowed the left’s thuggish handling of the pandemic, there are those who are not willing to let the subject fade away.

Enter defiant anti-vaxxer and tech multi-millionaire Steve Kirsch, a disaffected former Democrat who contends the vaccines are deadly and is refusing to shut up about it. He has been permanently banned on Twitter over the subject.

It should be noted that Kirsch reportedly donated $20 million to the Democratic Party before deciding to exit stage left.

Brian Kilmeade, guest-hosting “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” asked, “When did the Democratic Party start going south with you?”

“Well, when they violated my trust,” Kirsch replied. “They told the agencies, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, said these vaccines were safe and effective. And when I started seeing my friends die and be injured and I started looking at the data, there was no question this vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created by man.” watch h/t Heauxray

13 Comments on Former Dem Megadonor Says COVID vax killed ‘hundreds of thousands of Americans’

  1. Of course they’ll discredit him, call him a quack, and so on. Don’t be fooled, the cat is out of the bag, no one trusts their government, doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, plenty of them have died as well. The jab doesn’t care who it kills, it’s no respecter of persons. Plenty who got the jab wish they could do it over…it’s too late. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

  2. LOL. I had to google the guy to see what biz he was involved in, Big Brother is alive and well.

    Steve Kirsch
    Steven Todd Kirsch is an American entrepreneur. He has started several companies and was one of two people who independently invented the optical mouse. Kirsch has been both a philanthropic supporter of medical research, and a promoter of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.Wikipedia

  3. This guy (Steve Kirssh) put up a bet of $1 million for anyone that could scientifically prove that he has his facts / data wrong. Since there were no takers, he raised it to $2 million and still no takers. His substack is pretty informative including the comments section (many of his newsletters can be viewed without a subscription from the Whatfinger website). This is one from June where he pegs the number of Americans dead from the vaccine at 750,000 based on excess mortality rates and VAERS data.

  4. He does a lot of great analysis and searches for the truth. Than several months ago he said he wasn’t going to vote dem and was liking Andrew Yang and now that he is starting a new party that may be who he aligns with. Although he also said he reached out to him and wasn’t getting a response so maybe he has further changed his views. I don’t care anymore, if you tell the truth, we can disagree on things respectfully. That is what America used to be all about.

  5. Realizing you trusted the wrong people is humbling.

    Admitting it is corageous.

    Broadcasting it will help to unleash the righteous anger of millions like him. These are not ‘conspiracy theorists’… these were true believers in the system and its policies who are starting to realize they were lied to and may pay with their lives. They may be late to the party but they bring an intensity and indignation that smug purebloods should think about welcoming into the fold.

    Like Bubba’s Bro, I have been reading his substance and hope it is a harbinger of an awakening.

  6. When they call him a nut job, I listen to what they have to say and decide for myself. Glad I listened to my instincts, and to people like Dr Malone and Dr McCullough, and others to confirm my beliefs about the jab. The media tried to destroy them as well, but it didn’t work.

  7. 14 Canadian doctors now?

    When it was 7 two died doing rigorous exercise one was triathlon. Google triathlon deaths..

    Three of the doctors had long standing chronic of them had his office closed

    One of the doctors listed is a NPC.. Doesn’t exist

  8. Careful what ya wish for. Fauci and Bill Gates will be responsible for the deaths of half the population, most of them government trusting liberals. Don’t buy that new car just yet.

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