Whistleblowers Revealed Widespread FBI Misconduct Ahead of Trump Raid – IOTW Report

Whistleblowers Revealed Widespread FBI Misconduct Ahead of Trump Raid

Just The News: Prior to the FBI’s raid Monday on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, a string of whistleblower reports alleged that senior officials at the FBI exhibited a pattern of bias in their handling of politically sensitive investigations and also reclassified cases without justification to substantiate the White House’s public narratives on crime and extremism.

Beginning in late May, Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley called attention to then-Washington Field Office Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault over political bias concerns. Thibault expressed support for several “highly partisan” opinion articles on LinkedIn and made a series of politically charged social media posts, according to Grassley, who referred Thibault to the Office of Special Counsel to address the federal agent’s potential violations of the Hatch Act, which bars government officials from partisan political activity.

Concerns surrounding Thibault escalated in July, as whistleblowers came forward claiming Thibault’s partisan persuasion directly impacted his work at the bureau. While seeking approval from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to open an investigation into Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign, Thibault withheld from them that his predicating evidence was based in “substantial part” on information from a “left-aligned organization,” according to Grassley’s office. more here

16 Comments on Whistleblowers Revealed Widespread FBI Misconduct Ahead of Trump Raid

  1. Joe Biden, FBI, Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, Garland, Democrats, Rinos, Epstein participants et al all have criminal activities to hide which are likely in any of those “documents” which display massive and widespread corruption, and not some bogus “nuclear” docs as claimed by the venomous polluted FBI. Funny how FBi and their collaborators made no fuss over Obama’s taking/stealing of documents which he sent to Chicago.

  2. Joe Biden, Cheney, FBI, Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, Garland, Democrats, Rinos, Epstein participants and numerous others all have criminal activities to hide which are likely in those “documents” which display massive and widespread corruption, and not some bogus “nuclear” docs as claimed by the venomous polluted FBI. Funny how FBi and their collaborators made no fuss over Obama’s taking/stealing of documents which he sent to Chicago. Add that all those who yell, croak, whine and mewl, snivel, and grunt the loudest against presT have something to hide and are very afraid, as they should be.

  3. (Put this on the wrong thread, so if you think it’s deja vu, you’re right…)

    …they either groomed a nutter to make a stupid and hopeless attack on a FIBBIE office in Cincinnati or just drove someone over the edge with their blatantly illegal shit, whichis probably their intention so they can start grabbing guns before the election. Either way, the only thing the sad sack fired was a nail gun, and the cops killed him so they are free to tell whatever story serves the Communists the best.


    …look for much more of this to come, may be how they solve their Pedo Pete problem as well, wouldn’t be surprised…

  4. Thibault, Grassley confirmed, was reassigned to an unspecified posting prior to the bureau securing a warrant to raid Trump’s estate. Sources briefed on the raid confirmed to Just the News that the agents came from the Washington Field Office, in which Thibault was serving until just days prior.

    Move and reassign the culprits guilty of malfeasance. Works for the Catholic Church!

  5. …if GSA loaded the boxes, they are union and also Democrat corrupted, so it’s very likely THEY put highly illegal shit in them on purpose for just such an occasion as now, either under orders or because of their own venomous groomed hatred…

  6. I think their plan is to indict him take him to trial convict him a bunch of made up stuff, even though it will fail it may prevent him from running in 24. Not sure that will work.
    Also if they declared all guns in the hands of citizens illegal tomorrow do you suppose everyone will just walk down to the gun turn in station? Not going to happen. They don’t have the man power to cover the hell they would release on themselves me thinks and they know it. Just a guess .

  7. ‘The good news is there are still people in the orgaization that haven’t been totally corrupted’
    -this is like saying working at Planned Parenthood is just a job if you’re a Christian. Decent, right-thinking patriots should leave if they’re there.

  8. No doubt a whole plethora of strongly worded memos and calls for “investigations!” will come out of this, followed by the usual fundraising drive… Meanwhile, the democrats will still be fucking up the lives of innocent people with no real push back from their pussified lackey “colleagues” across the aisle.

    This entire thing is a fucking racket and the most powerful members of the GOP are in on it.


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