Air Force pushing religious objectors to get vax that used human fetal cells, military lawyer claims – IOTW Report

Air Force pushing religious objectors to get vax that used human fetal cells, military lawyer claims

“Although the Air Force is aware of the link to fetal cell tissue because of the ongoing litigation, they are pushing out official policy guidance that is inaccurate and misleading.”


The Air Force is pushing an alternative COVID-19 vaccine that used human fetal cells in its testing phase on airmen seeking religious exemptions from the service’s vaccine mandate, according to an attorney for the religious objectors.

On July 15, the Air Force issued a background paper on the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. “Pre-clinical work from Novavax compared the structure of its vaccine spike protein to existing literature where the spike protein was produced from fetal cells by non-Novavax researchers,” the paper noted. File BBP on Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine_cao 15 Jul 22.pdf

The paper was issuedjust a day after U.S. District Court Judge Matthew McFarland of the Southern District of Ohio granted a 14-day injunction against the Air Force’s vaccine mandate on airmen seeking religious exemptions in the case of Doster v. Kendall. The injunction gave the government seven days to explain “why this Court should not grant a class-wide preliminary injunction,” according to the court order.

A week after the temporary injunction was granted, the Air Force told the court that airmen objecting to mRNA vaccines on the basis of their use of human fetal cells could now receive the Novavax vaccine, which had been granted emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration a day before the judge granted the temporary injunction. more here

6 Comments on Air Force pushing religious objectors to get vax that used human fetal cells, military lawyer claims

  1. …and all this over a “vaxxine” that only became a REQUIREMENT when a SIMILAR “vaxxine” was given FULL FDA approval, which was supposedly what allowed the government to trigger it as a REQUIREMENT.


    …and lawyers and judges are just “OK” with that? NO lawyer can make himself and his clients a ton of money over that? That the government’s entire basis for forcing the kill shots is not even available AS a kill shot for no reason OTHER than THAT one would not have the full immunity the EUA “Vaxxines” have?

    …and here I thought NOTHING could stop the greed of a lawyer. I guess if he’s angling for a position in an increasingly totalitarian regeme, like a judge or “lawmaker”, that’s a greater incentive, tho, maybe THAT’S why they won’t even try; well, that, and the fact that already-corrupted “judges” won’t even let it be heard, because, standing, or something…

  2. Notice that this was released the same day (yesterday already) that the OFFICIAL CDC made POLICY changes. No difference between vaxxed and won’t vaxxed. Anyone discharged or facing such just got some good news.

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