Feds Who Raided Mar-a-Lago Are Under Investigation by John Durham . . . for Russiagate Hoax – IOTW Report

Feds Who Raided Mar-a-Lago Are Under Investigation by John Durham . . . for Russiagate Hoax

Liberty Daily

With every layer of the FBI corruption that gets peeled back, the whole thing smells worse and worse. The latest report reveals that those who raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home should have been recused because of connections to and an investigation regarding past malfeasance.

According to investigative journalist Paul Sperry:

“Sources say the FBI agents and officials who were involved in the raid on former President Trump’s home work in the same CounterIntelligence Division of the FBI that investigated Trump in the Russiagate hoax and are actively under criminal investigation by Special Counsel John Durham for potentially abusing their power investigating Trump in the Russian fraud and therefore have a potential conflict of interest and should have been RECUSED from participating in this supposed “espionage” investigation at Mar-a-Lago.”

It’s a long sentence, so let’s break it down. According to Sperry’s sources, some or all of those who raided Mar-a-Lago were also involved in the Russiagate scandal. They are currently under investigation by John Durham for possible crimes. They should have been recused from the raid altogether.

Knowing this, why would they be the ones involved? Certainly the FBI is aware that the agents and officials are under investigation regarding their handling of past hoaxes against Donald Trump. Is there something special about this particular unit? Are they the FBI’s “go-to bagmen” who do the dirty work for the Deep State? more here

23 Comments on Feds Who Raided Mar-a-Lago Are Under Investigation by John Durham . . . for Russiagate Hoax

  1. Russiagate hoax? What kind of drugs are you on? That’s pure conspiracy thinking. I s’pose you’re wearing a double lined tin foil hat too. Are you communicating telepathically with Q?

    Just kidding of course.

  2. “Durham is full of shit. ”

    That maybe. I lean that way too. However David Nunes was on Maria Bartoromo this morning along with Kash Patel. Those two claim it’s been the same agents since Benghazi until now. They named a few last names. Not good enough. Out the fuckers, with addresses.

  3. Joe Biden is not only known as a longtime KKK associate (think covid vaxx to exterminate blacks and ethnics) but also as a hugely spiteful and vindictive parasite. Not only has Biden engaged the fraudulent “raid” againt Donald Trump from malicious vindictiveness but he’s also attacked the American people with that same malignant spite. Biden’s assaults against Americans includes his engineered baby formula shortages, food and supply chain stalls and collapses, widespread inflation, covid vaxx fraud and deaths, engineered recession and numerous other venomous hostilities—all becaise he’s mega-jealous of Trump and is taking out antagonisms on the citizenry of America. Joe Biden is a terrorist who has attacked the US and peoples.

  4. More political Kabuki Theatre…..the “investigation” is nothing but a circus for the media and gullible morons. NOTHING will come of it and NONE of the criminal agents involved will be sanctioned in any way.

  5. Now those agents are saying Trump supporters are threatening their lives and threatening to use a dirty bomb.

    These people are beyond stupid and so is anyone who would believe such ignorant lies.

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