Welcome to Joe Biden’s New Slavery in America – IOTW Report

Welcome to Joe Biden’s New Slavery in America

Tatum Report-

A Goliad County (TX) Sheriff Roy Boyd is telling it like it is. Though the Biden regime likely doesn’t want you to hear about it. Boyd said, “‘Once they [illegal immigrants] get to Houston, where they think they’re going to be shipped out to their families, they’re not.’ They’re forced to pay $5K – $10K more ‘to work that debt off.’”

This new American slavery is the ugly reality The Epoch Times’ Charlotte Cuthbertson confronts on Biden’s open southern border.

After charging thousands of dollars, cartels force these slaves to work in hospitality, landscaping, drug trafficking, and prostitution. One female attempted to smuggle three girls into “sex slavery” in Houston’s Chinatown. The children thought they were going to family.

Laz Ayala, The Hill, agrees with the Times’ slavery take. In Aug. 2020, she wrote, “Let’s cut to the chase and call undocumented immigration what it is: modern-day slavery.”

In 2014, according to the Times, during President Obama’s admin, the government placed children with traffickers. Reportedly, “[Eight] children worked [at an Ohio egg farm] for no pay for 12 hours a day, six to seven days a week, and lived in deplorable conditions. The traffickers threatened them and their families with violence if the children did not comply….” more here

13 Comments on Welcome to Joe Biden’s New Slavery in America

  1. This assumes (wrongly) that Biden has ever thought about the unintended consequences of anything he’s done. Opening borders, masking kids, closing pipelines, gutting the military, and printing monopoly money, all have consequences way beyond the capacity of his enfeebled brain for any forward thinking.

  2. “This assumes (wrongly) that Biden has ever thought about the unintended consequences of anything he’s done.”

    I believe that’s universal with all Libtards. Jennifer Grandhole being a prime example.
    But Captain Brain Dead is not calling the shots. Popular opinion as of late is it’s Susan Rice.

  3. These are the most EVIL people to ever run our country that we have seen.
    What they have next for us God only knows.
    They are pulling out all the stops and there is no one to stop them but GOD or strong men.
    The time is coming soon when we will have to make a choice.

  4. Still waiting to break even what with maintainance and fees and upgrade deeds . . . solar powered slavery. The Slavers don’t discriminate. Just your signature , please.

  5. Don’t have a tear to shed for illegal-alien invading rat-people.
    They wouldn’t be abused if they’d STAY THE FUCK HOME!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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