They Called It: Liz Cheney loses primary to Harriet Hageman, her Trump-backed challenger in Wyoming – IOTW Report

They Called It: Liz Cheney loses primary to Harriet Hageman, her Trump-backed challenger in Wyoming

Rep. Liz Cheney lost her Republican primary in Wyoming on Tuesday evening to Harriet Hageman, her challenger endorsed by former President Donald Trump, according to projections by Decision Desk HQ and Insider. Polls closed at 7 p.m. local time. MORE

See Also:

Trump congratulates Hageman, says her victory ‘complete rebuke’ of Democrat-led Jan 6 panel

40 Comments on They Called It: Liz Cheney loses primary to Harriet Hageman, her Trump-backed challenger in Wyoming

  1. Losing it not enough.
    She should be subject to the full anal cavity search her democrat friends do with such glee.
    And when they did up all the dirt on her and her shyster lawyer husband, may she become impoverished and need to enlist in the military to maintain her multiple jowls.

    No Cheneys that I know of have served in the US military despite their rabid lust for war$.

  2. I’m still skeptical with only 35% of the votes in. I hope she’s defeated soundly but since 2020 I hate waking up after sleeping well knowing my candidate was ahead.

  3. Hageman was just on Ingram. She owes the country an explanation why she was originally a Trump hater. Never mentioned Trump, never thanked him for his support. Don’t get me wrong, Cheney had to be replaced. Just not sure how much this woman has going on upstairs.

  4. That photoshopped image of Bush on Liz’s head on that Rumble clip, 1:56 mark, that is the stuff of nightmares, that is Rachel Levine level ugly.

    Whether she will do a good job, Liz had to go, that’s done, the rest in on the good people of Wyoming to keep her feet to the fire.

  5. I don’t have much hope for this woman either, but Cheney had to go and if she ends up being Cheney-like then Wyoming can rid themselves of her in 2 years, if there’s a country in 2 years that is.

  6. Backseat driver is the easiest position to take. It requires no qualifications.
    Harriet Hageman ran unsuccessfully for governor. Despite some good policy positions and some good debate points made, she made some flubs and lost that run. She has shown growth as a candidate and her ads that were aired here in WY this time were excellent. Huge contrast with Cheney’s which were cringeworthy (unless you were a brain-dead leftist, which is whom she was obviously pandering to).

    Hageman is clearly an intelligent and capable woman. Hopefully she will prove that as a congresscritter.

    We don’t need a Trump asskisser. Trump in a second term won’t need pumpkinheads (whether kin or not), he’ll need fellow travelers with integrity and capability.

  7. “We don’t need a Trump asskisser. Trump in a second term won’t need pumpkinheads (whether kin or not), he’ll need fellow travelers with integrity and capability.”

    You have no idea what’s transpiring right now. I’m assuming you’re a Wyoming resident. Another reason why I would not consider Wyoming a destination. Residents are to sheltered to what’s actually going on.

  8. Commit Treason – lose your cushy job – get a better-paying cushy job.
    No personal cost, whatsoever.

    America! What’s not to like?

    Traitors who lose their political jobs end up in the Media – or on Wall St.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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