Tucker Carlson: Democracy Crushed Liz Cheney and She Can’t Stand It – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: Democracy Crushed Liz Cheney and She Can’t Stand It

CTH: Tucker Carlson gives his take on the resounding defeat of Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney from the state of Wyoming.

Indeed, one of the brutally obvious points that Carlson hammers home, is that Cheney was crushed by the voters of Wyoming.  Everyone outside Wyoming was a spectator on the sidelines watching to see how they felt about the insufferable war-mongering witch; but no one outside Wyoming had the ability to vote.

Ms. Cheney was rejected by her own tribe, by the system of Wyoming democracy in action, the same system she promoted during her self-absorbed time in congress.  Perhaps if Ms. Cheney had actually represented the people of Wyoming, instead of her own ego-driven aspirations of political power, she may have avoided the biggest primary defeat by an incumbent officeholder in a century.  WATCH

18 Comments on Tucker Carlson: Democracy Crushed Liz Cheney and She Can’t Stand It

  1. The Cheney’s have always been shit.
    Reagan was only allowed to run for President providing he added a Bush to the ticket. Thanks to the success of Reagan, dumb shit Bush Sr. got president. Follow up with dip shit Bush Jr. colluding with (shoot me in the head) Cheney and you have the beginnings of 911 and downfall of our Glorious Republic. Liz is not much more than the afterbirth of FJB panty accident. Cry on my limp disk Liz…..

  2. FWIW:

    The Fat feminist Hogs on The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. was absolutely crushed that Liz got her ass kicked soundly.

    It was wonderful to watch.

  3. No one should be surprised at the entitled attitude of a woman whose only claim to fame is her pol daddy and her own deceptive “career” in politics. It’s all she knows, and she learned not to care about we deplorable, unwashed masses from the master. So, how dare we kick her to the curb?

    I’m so fed up with selfish, self-centered, arrogant, entitled people — everywhere!

  4. Loved watching all those Cheney relatives and a few dozen friends in Wilson, Wyoming pretending that Liz Cheney has a future in politics. The Vichy Republicans should be assembling their Dream Team with Liz and Mitt running with encouragement from the other Rino Collaborators who get most of their support from Dementiacrats. Wahoo! Giddy up!


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